Sunday, October 14, 2007

Frankfurt Book Fair Day 4

Being Saturday, this was the first day that Daniel could come with me to the fair. We had to get there by 11 am since I had agreed to host an informal SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writer and Illustrators) get together. Only two members showed up, but we spent an hour talking about children's books and how to best take advantage of the fair.

The next thing we wanted to do was go to a book signing from Manfred Deix - another famous German cartoonist that Daniel likes. There we bought two of his books and had them signed - one for Daniel's father 65th birthday and one for us.

Charlotte L came down from Bremen and arrived at just after 2 pm, so we met her at the entrance and Daniel took her luggage home while Charlotte and I explored the fair a bit more. We walked around the German literature publishers and at one publisher, S. Fischer, I observed the reps giving out books to a couple of girls. I then asked the girls what they said to get the books and they said they were students. I marched up to the counter and asked if they were giving out copies and she asked me if I was a student. I said "No, but I am learning German". We conversed a bit about me being from the US and then she gave me a book which she really likes - "Family and Other Accidents" by Shari Goldhagen - in German translation of course. She gave me her card and said if I wrote to her after the book fair, she would send me a book from a German author - so let's see what happens!

I asked at a few more stands for books but no luck. We had to head home anyway to get ready for Micha's birthday party in Wiesbaden. We got there a little after 6 pm and stayed until nearly midnight.

My favorite picture of the night (because it is so typical of them) Florian, Frederick and Daniel looking in different directions

The birthday boy with Alice, me and Charlotte

1 comment:

  1. cute pic of the boys! Tell Daniel HI! Book fair continues to sound interesting! See you soon!


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