Sunday, February 10, 2008

Meet Emmy

Today Daniel, Tracy and I drove down to Stuttgart for a cat interview with a Birman breeder. The kitten's official name is Arien von Duesterwald, but since we've been talking so long about getting a magic cat (long story) we're going to call her Emmy. The little ball of fluff is only 1 month old, so we can't take her home with us for another 2 months. But isn't she cute?!

In other news, we bought a navigation system for the car and used it to successfully navigate our way to Duesterwald and Stuttgart Main Train Station (to pick up Florian on our way back home).


  1. EMMY IS ADORABLE!!!! She has to be 3 months old before you can get her?

  2. Awww, she's the cutest cat ever! Now I want a Birman again. Also, I have to say that Arien Von Duesterwald is a pretty awesome pet name!! I think I'll have to name my next pet Something Von Something, although knowing Steve, it'll probably be a fish.

  3. She is absolutely precious, and this is coming from a dog person. She is the cutest ball of fluff I've ever seen. What a great addition to your home...

    Hope you're both doing well,
    Gina and Curby


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