Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Contest Winners & More Contests!

I kind of went overboard buying Euro treats... So in addition to my official winner who gets a big box of Euro treats, I chose a runner-up who will receive a mini-box of Euro treats. Since Emmy is sleeping, I decided to use Random.org and the official winner is:


My runner up is:

Melissa Walker!

Claim your prizes by sending me your snail mail details to lenoreva AT hotmail DOT com - and congrats!!

Didn't win? Never fear - I will be giving away AT LEAST 16 books on my blog this month so stay tuned!

And I also banded together with Shooting Stars Mag and tons of other YA bloggers to bring you the Stephanie Kuehnert's I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone Gift Card Giveaway!

I fully expect this book to be awesome and plan to get it when it comes out next week on July 8. Check out these rave reviews:

Teen Book Review

Teens Read Too

The Book Muncher

We want you to pre-order the book now or go and get it when it's officially released. To help motivate you to do this...we enlisted the help of fellow book reviewers to give away an awesome prize!

What you must do: Get the book and either copy the receipt or take a picture with the book.

Send your proof to Lauren at: Lauren51990@aol.com by July 30, 2008 and you're entered to win A WHOLE BUNCH of $10 gift cards for various bookstores and Itunes, since the book is very music-oriented.

These are my fellow Book Reviewers who will each be giving away a $10 gift card to the winner.

Click on each name to check out their blog!

And Another Book Read: Tasha (Barnes N Noble)

Shooting Stars Mag: Lauren

Reading Mania (Elaina Reads): Elaina

The Compulsive Reader


The Story Siren: Kristi

B is for Books: Breanna

Teen Troves: Mollie and Ariel (Amazon)

From the Corner of Megan's Mind: Megan

Presenting Lenore

Writer's Block Reviews: Holly

In Bed with Books

Reader Rabbit

If you're counting, that's 13 book sites giving away a $10 card...that means the winner will get 130 bucks in gift cards just by buying ONE book and showing us that you did! Not bad, right? MORE might be added as well in the next few days, so keep checking back to this post to see if the amount goes up! So what are you waiting for?

**** Other contests ******

There are still more chances to win that box of 14 books from Hachette over at Trish's blog.

Hope's Bookshelf is giving away a copy of The Latent Powers of Dylan Fontaine by April Lurie - enter by July 9th at her blog.

The Tome Traveller is having her first book giveaway: The Rest of her Life by Laura Moriarty - enter on her blog by July 14th.

Keri Mikulski is giving away two fun summer books: Bev Katz Rosembaum's I Was a Teenage Popsicle and Heather McElhatton's Pretty Little Mistakes: A Do Over Novel. Both sound like really great reads so enter over at her blog by July 31st!

Love to Read is giving away an ARC of The God of Animals by Aryn Kyle. Enter at her blog by July 14th.

Even more book contests are listed at these great sites:
Up For Grabs
West of Mars


  1. thanks for posting a link to my blog :D

  2. OHHH Writer's Block Reviews has been added. that's 110 bucks in gift cards now.
    Also, please read the HUGE giveaway book reviewers post on here!


  3. read the HUGE giveaway blog reviewers post on here please!! Thanksss

    ALSO, it's 120 now...In Bed With Books joined in!

  4. This is belated, but I just wanted to thank you soooooooooo much for taking part in the Shooting Stars contest!!! What you guys are all doing for IWBYJR is amazing and I appreciate it with all my heart! xoxoxo

  5. Thank you so much, Lenore! I just got it in the mail today, and it's lovely! I especially love the Cassis candies. :-p I'm not a big fan of annis, but these are fantastic. My daughter likes the sour gummies, and both daughters are munching the Kinder Country bars.

    Thank you again! What a wonderful prize!


I would love it if you leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on my post. Due to some overwhelming spamming of late, I have enabled comment moderation on posts older than 3 days, but I will do my best to quickly publish your comment on these older posts. Your comments will continue to appear immediately on my current posts.