Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (10)

This was the question for our 10th Tuesday:

Book-swapping. Do you do it? What site(s) do you use? How did you find out about them? What do you think of them? Do you use LT's book-swapping column feature for information on what to swap? Do you participate in any of the LT communities that discuss bookswapping, like the Bookmooch group for example?

My answer:

I don't swap books in any official capacity. If I love a book or it's on a topic I think I might want to revisit later, I keep it on my shelf and loan it own often. If I liked a book, but not enough to keep it, I will offer it to my friends. If I don't know of anyone who would like it, then I donate it or sell it. I suppose I could swap some of these, but since I somehow have to get the books back to Germany eventually, it seems like more hassle than it's worth. I think if I lived full-time in the states it might be of more interest to me.


I haven't had an Emmy picture in a while, so here's one D caught of her yawning. What a little monster.


Want to hear about a couple more contests going on?

The Story Siren is having a Twilight Series contest. There are a bunch of different prizes including all 4 books in the series. Enter by August 2. She also mentions that you can read Savvy by Ingrid Law as an e-book this week by clicking here. This is Penguin children's lead title this season, so check it out.

IB Teens is offering a signed copy of The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong if you comment here by July 31st. Looks like the start of an exciting teen series!

Two more chances to win those 14 books from Hachette - over at Bookshipper's blog (leave a comment by July 31st) or at Musing of a literary feline's blog.

Enter Boston Bibliophile's contest by July 22nd to win an ARC of Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen.

Rachel is letting you pick any two books to win in her contest. Enter by July 30th.

Tripping towards Lucidity is giving away Blood Roses by Francesca Lia Block. She'll draw a winner on July 25th.

Bookish Ruth is giving away a copy of First Daughter by Eric Van Lustbader. She'll pick a winner on July 30th.

And don't forget to enter my contests for Joy of Spooking and the Specialist Series!


  1. That's great timing catching Emmy in a yawn. She looks like a very pretty kitty! BTW, are you from Germany?

  2. Not from Germany, but I do live there most of the year!

  3. Try swapping-it is lots of fun! Love your kitty, I have 2 of my own little sweeties:) Love you blog!

  4. What a great photo! I'm always trying to catch my dog when she's doing something weird or cute, but by the time I get the camera out and hit the button, she's caught onto me and moved on.

  5. Oh My gosh how cute is your cat:)I don't swap yet either. or mooch, but I like to give:)

  6. I have an account on PBS, but I don't have a lot listed; I may add the books I clean off the shelves in my "summer cleaning" project.

    Thanks for sharing the pic of Emmy; we have allergies in the family, so I have to be content with a photo!

  7. Wow in Germany most of the year? That's cool- I've never been. The closest I've come is almost getting tickets to the world cup.

  8. The cat is cute. :-)

    Yes, swapping isn't so easy if you live outside the main swap postal areas. International postage an get rather expensive.

  9. LOLOL! Totally love that photo. After reading your response, I wonder how many LT members are Book Crossing members.

  10. I had Persian cats all my life and suddenly (after having one kidney removed), I became allergic to my cat. It was very strange. Now I have a ton of chihuahuas and my sister has my cat.
    Your cat is wonderful.

  11. Thanks for visiting my blog-Jerry & Skittles say "Howdy" to Emmy:)

  12. oh, by the way, In the Woods, is really good, so far.

  13. I would imagine swapping would be harder from another country! =) Although BookMooch seems to have a quite a worldwide client base, so you might actually have better luck with that service.

  14. I don't do any online bookswapping, but a bunch of us at work have an area where we share books. If you want them back you put your name in it, otherwise, it's up for grabs for others to read and return. Kind of a mini-library!

    The picture of Emmy is adorable. Bet you're missing her, but you'll see her next week! Enjoyed our visit! Love you (EVERYONE-she's my niece and I'm very proud of her)

  15. Great photo! Such sharp teeth, she has. :-)

    I am not really into swapping right now either. It's a great concept though.

    Thank you for the mention of my giveaway!


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