Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (11)

Today's topic: Recommendations. Do you use LT's recommendations feature? Have you found any good books by using it? Do you use the anti-recommendations, or the "special sauce" recommendations? How do you find out about books you want to read?

I have glanced at the recommendations, but I haven't invested any time in the feature yet. I really should one of these days. The anti-recommendations said I should steer clear of a bunch of christian books - even after I added quite a few to my library. I used to find most of my books through friends or my browsing people's lists on amazon. I also found YA or children's books through the publisher's catalogs that I'd pick up at book fairs. Since about April, I've found most of my books through people's book review blogs. And I have bought a couple of books that were in the Early Review program that I didn't get chosen for. My wishlist keeps growing and growing...

**** Contests ****

The Book Vault is giving away a copy of Francey by Martin Dubow. Enter by July 31st.

Dar is giving away a copy of The Host! Enter by July 24th.

Another chance to win the 14 books from Hachette at bookroomreviews! Enter by August 9th. I AM going to win these one of these days!!


  1. I like getting my book recommendations through people I know, too. The Unsuggester is crazy isn't it!

    I nomminated you for an award, by the way:

  2. I had forgotten about the ER program as a source of recommendations. I've bought a couple based on that, too, and have half a dozen or so more on my wishlist.

  3. Hi Lenore, I hope you win too! Good luck!and thanks for posting the contest:)Tracy

  4. i nominated you for an award too! go to my blog to see! :-)

  5. I nominated you for the blog award too!!!



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