Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (12)

Today's question: Cataloging sources. What cataloging sources do you use most? Any particular reason? Any idiosyncratic choices, or foreign sources, or sources you like better than others? Are you able to find most things through LT's almost 700 sources?

I have only needed to use amazon and amazon.fr so far. When adding books, I always just click on the first one that matches the title, not paying particular attention to the edition. I know some like to make sure that they catalogue the exact edition that sits on their shelf, but I am not that nit-picky.


I've been nominated by several fellow bloggers for a blogging award!

Thanks Tina from http://bookshipper.blogspot.com/, Melsy at http://melsysplace.blogspot.com/, Alea at http://aleapopculture.blogspot.com/, Marie at http://www.bostonbibliophile.com/ and Alisha at http://thekoolaidmom.wordpress.com/. I adore all of your blogs too and visit often so consider yourselves awarded by me too.

Here are the rules:

1. Put the logo on your blog.

2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.

3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.

4. Add links to those blogs on your blog.

5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.

My 7 other nominees (besides the fab ladies who nommed me) are:

Melissa is the author of the YA Violet series (which is what I am reading next - I swear!) and a freelance writer for magazines and I LOVE reading her blog - she always has fab features including win it wednesdays.

Honest reviews and an awesome selection of books keep me coming back again and again. Plus, I won my first ever contest on Steph's site! You know you rock that foreign country you live in...

This is a fairly new blog but I'm addicted already. Love the rating system and the Dystopian fortnight.

This blog not only features reviews of YA books, but also promotes cool music and movies. And they had a great series of contests where authors donated books that they had "marked up". I was lucky enough to win "Back Talk" by Alex Richards and she writes awesome little tidbits in red pen throughout the book. I cherish this copy!

One of my fave places to go for children's book recommendations. Her reviews are always so insightful and I've added so many books to my wishlist thanks to her.

Gayle is a fellow Entertainment Weekly fan and reads a nice variety of books. She always makes me take a closer look at books that might not have interested me at first glance.

And finally ALL of my fellow LibraryThing bloggers (Kathleen has an awesome list of all of you right here)- I so enjoy reading your responses every Tuesday and I am a serious addict of the LT ARC Junkie thread. An intervention will need to be staged soon I'm afraid....


Contests this week:

Win The Temptress Four by Gaby Triana at Reviewer X's blog. Be sure to read her review and interview with Gaby as well! Ends August 1st.

StudentofSaga is giving away a copy of Kamilla Reid's The Questory of Root Karbunkulus. To enter, just submit a question for the author at this post. Winner notified by e-mail on August 4th.
Bookish Ruth is giving away an ARC of Kaimira: The Sky Village if you comment on this post. Enter by August 6th.


  1. Yay--Thanks for the award! I got one last week, so here's my post about it and I hope that'll count again. :)



    I heart you. And I mean this in the sincerest form of the heart shape :P <3


  3. I'm pretty picky about listing the actual edition I have in my library. And I like to have the right cover, too. Just a teeny bit obsessive-compulsive, I guess.

  4. ok didn't work... I use this site:


  5. Thank you for the nomination! I really, really appreciate it!


  6. Thanks so much, Lenore! I'm just checking in briefly from vacation, and your award brightened my day. I'm so glad that you have found useful book ideas from my reviews - people like you make doing the reviews worthwhile.

  7. Thanks for the nomination Lenore! That's so awesome of you. I never really know who read the blog...so that was sweet of you. And you should KNOW that I love your blog. You have some of the awesome-est reviews in the blogging world. :)


  8. you should nominate Ally Carter! Have you done reviews on her books yet? She has two out, and the third is coming out June 9th, 2009.

    1ST BOOK: I'd Tell You I Love You But Then I'd Have To Kill You

    2ND BOOK: Cross My Heart And Hope to Spy.

    3RD BOOK: NO IDEA YET! (she's holding a contest for the title)


I would love it if you leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on my post. Due to some overwhelming spamming of late, I have enabled comment moderation on posts older than 3 days, but I will do my best to quickly publish your comment on these older posts. Your comments will continue to appear immediately on my current posts.