Sunday, July 20, 2008

Reviewer Profile: Me!

Head on over to Reviewer X's blog to read a reviewer profile/interview she did with me. It's such an honor to be featured on her fantastic book reviewing blog. Leave her lots of comments!


  1. ! Thanks for mentioning me :D And just so you know, I'm a huge fan of YOUR blog, so it was an honour to have you ;)


  2. I posted this over on your reviewer profile but I figured I'd post it here too.

    A little follow-up question- how did you get involved in freelancing? I'm unemployed right now, so I think it would be cool to give freelancing a try, but don't really know how to go about it. Feel free to email me at if you'd prefer to respond that way.


I would love it if you leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on my post. Due to some overwhelming spamming of late, I have enabled comment moderation on posts older than 3 days, but I will do my best to quickly publish your comment on these older posts. Your comments will continue to appear immediately on my current posts.