Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Library Thing Tuesday (25) + Pic of Emmy

This week's question: Legacy libraries. With which legacy libraries do you share books? Tell us a little about a couple of them and what you share.

I'd never checked out this feature before today, and it took me a couple of minutes to find them (they are under the Groups tab). With most legacy libraries, I share at least a couple of the classics which is no surprise. I share 23 books with Carl Sandburg including The phantom tollbooth by Norton Juster. I share 12 with Karen Blixen including The Heart is a Lonely Hunter by Carson McCullers.

This is definitely an interesting project!


Last week, Kathy of Oklahoma Booklady commented that they'd need 4 hands to hold up their cat which directly led to the following picture in which we demonstrate that we only need one hand to hold Emmy up (and she LIKES it):


  1. I share 37 with Carl Sandburg - never heard of him before!

    Love the photo! Could start a trend - I'm going to do one of my cat too!

  2. ROTF! Might be good exercise to see how many times I can lift up my cat before shes causes me to have a heart attack.

  3. I share 7 books with Carl Sandberg - mostly mystery novels. I also share 4 with Ernest Hemmingway, which is surprising because I don't like Hemmingway.

  4. I only share 2 books. :( I need to beef up my library. Emmy is a hoot.

  5. OMG - Emmy always makes me smile!

    Wow, I think you take the prize for most books in common so far, Lenore!


  6. I love The Phantom Tollbooth! It's one of my favorites.

  7. I'm going to have to check out the Phantom Tollbooth!

    Wow - I've just started entering my books as I just learned about this part of the site this morning! I've got 2 with Marilyn Monroe and 6 with Ernest Hemingway!

    This was fun - to see the rest of my list: http://wendisbookcorner.blogspot.com/2008/10/tuesday-thingers_28.html

    :) Wendi

    PS - love the pictures! I've got a toy poodle, and I think he would panic if I did that to him (he's around 15 years old!)

  8. Lenore--you and I both mention Sandburg and Blixen in our posts!

  9. My sister's cat is like that--loves being lifted into the air. Usually he requires two hands, though.

  10. I share with Sandburg and Blixen, but I posted about the overlap with Sylvia Plath.

    Aside from the beautiful (and furry!) Emmy photo, your ceiling is gorgeous!!

  11. Emmy looks so soft and fluffy!

  12. booksplease - You should!

    Kathy - No heart attacks please :)

    Keri - thanks ;)

    Lisa - I haven't read a lot of Hemmingway, but I don't mind him.

    bermuda - Beef it up!

    shana - I saw someone with 96, blowing me out of the water.

    melissa - It is a lot of fun.

    Wendi - Emmy is game for pretty much anything. She even likes having her claws cut and getting baths.

    Cathy - Yeah, how cool!

    Jena - Sounds like an awesome cat.

    Dawn - We do enjoy our ceiling :)

    Alea - Emmy is very soft. My friend's son asked if she had feathers.

  13. I love this pic of Emmy-she looks like a dancer. Unfortunately my dog is much too heavy to do this with. lol.


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