Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Book (and DVD) Haul

You may remember this post where I talked about my holiday book wishlist. Well, now I can reveal what I got from the list!

Beth Kephart sent me a signed copy of her novel Undercover which I am so excited about. Thanks Beth, I can't wait to get started!

Alea sent me The Gum Thief by Douglas Coupland! Coupland is one of my favorite authors so I am sure I will be reading this sooner than later :) Thanks Alea, you are a star.

Dar sent me Tales of Outer Suburbia by Shaun Tan (got it today, thank you so much Dar - Daniel will LOVE it).

I did the bookstore rounds today and purchased some books with my gift cards. This is what I picked up:
Two Way Street by Lauren Barnholdt
Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin
Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks
Wastelands: Stories of the Apocalypse by Stephen King, Cory Doctorow, George R. R. Martin, and Octavia E. Butler

I also got a gift card to amazon from my awesome Aunt Linda and plan to purchase:
Ten Cents a Dance by Christine Fletcher
The Explosionist by Jenny Davidson

Linda also gave me a bag of books she's read already including:
Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah
Lost Souls by Lisa Jackson
Tithe by Holly Black
Identical by Ellen Hopkins

In the DVD department, I got:
Pushing Daisies Season 1
Chuck Season 1
Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles Season 1
Mad Men Season 1
Message in a Bottle
Y tu Mama Tambien
I also got other gifts, such as socks, which you probably don't want to hear about! Did you get any books or DVDs for Christmas?
*** And now back to my Battlestar Galactica marathon. Almost done with Season 1!


  1. Wow - you did great! I didn't get any books, but I did get a B & N gift card.

  2. Yay! You got a lot of GREAT stuff. I haven't received any books yet (probably will tomorrow when my parents arrive), so I went out to the bookstore and bought some new titles for myself!

    But I did get the Sex & the City complete series, so I was SO excited about that.

    Enjoy your marathon!

  3. LOL at the socks, I got like 1,000 pairs of socks! I can't wait to hear what you think of the Gum Thief, the book sounds really interesting! And of course Undercover!

    Man I wish my relatives read books like the ones your Aunt Linda does, that's awesome!

    You got a lot of dvds and may I say some quality dvds at that! I'm still angry that Pushing Daisies was cancelled, my sister has Chuck, I need to borrow it. and Mad Man is awesome! Y tu Mama Tambien was a little awkward to watch lol!

  4. Let's see - only got one book The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks; one DVD - Mamma Mia; two CD's: And Winter Came by Enya and David Cook (last season's American Idol winner). I didn't get any gift cards, but I usually just buy whatever books I can afford at the time. I'm only an awesome aunt because I have an awesome niece! Love you Lenore!

  5. I've been thinking of watching either BG or Mad Men over break, but I need to get with it! :) I can't believe a week is already gone! :(

  6. For all the books I gave for the holidays, I only received ONE. So I made a Borders run yesterday and bought some of their 3.99 clearance books, but also splurged (with coupon) on Geraldine Brooks's People of the Book.

    I am positively evangelistic about Year of Wonders - I buy it for everyone and absolutely worship it - so it was exciting to see you got one! I hope you love it!

  7. WOW!! THat is a superb haul. I didn't get any books this year, so I'm living vicariously through you! lol I want to read Elsewhere something awful, and The Year of Wonders made my top 10 a few years ago. Enjoy!

  8. I got mostly DVDs for Christmas lol.

  9. Wow, what a great haul! I also got socks! :)

  10. Lucky you. I won't find out what I got for Christmas until February! (Stupid snow and airports)

  11. I didn't get any books, but my best friend got me a subscription to Bookmarks magazine.

    Year of Wonders is awesome!

  12. I got some gift cards, so I'm pretty stoked about that one!

    You had a great Chrismtas, it seems. Lots of fun stuff!

    You'll have to tell me how Y tu Mama Tambien is. I'm curious.


  13. I LOVE me some Battlestar Galactica!

  14. Hey Lenore!
    Come on over to MacLeanSpace! I nominated you for the I <3 Your Blog Award!

  15. I did not get any books or DVDs for Christmas - my only Christmas present (and I say only, but it was a big one) was skiing lessons in Austria! Very cool and I did not even crash into any trees.

    I will tell you all about it when we meet up again in February!

  16. Firefly Lane and Elsewhere were a couple of my favorites from this year!

  17. Wow, what an amazing cache of goodies!
    All those books sound awesome - Tales Of Outer Suburbia is really gorgeous - I read it through once quickly and since then I've been randomly look at the beautiful illustrations.

    Pushing Daisies is out on DVD already? That's a must-have - me and the hubs love how quirky it is, it feels like watching a daydream sometimes :)

  18. What an awesome haul Lenore. I'm glad the book got there in one piece. I hope Daniel likes it and shares his thoughts with us if he's willing.


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