Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday Fabulous! (2)

Exciting stuff that happened this past week:

1. Daniel finally designed a new header for my blog. What do you think about it? I also updated the color scheme, changed the font and added quick links so you can get to the good stuff faster. All in the name of blog improvement.

2. On Sunday, a professional ice skater Daniel met at yoga got us free tickets to Holiday on Ice. It was gloriously cheesy fun (the poor male skaters had to wear overalls decorated with white chicken feathers at one point). Afterwards, we took Mitch to a traditional appelwoi kneipe (Frankurt restaurant/bar) and drank a bembel. Very amusing!

3. I actually got a couple of books in my mailbox: Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen, Lipstick Apology by Jennifer Jabaley and Starfinder by John Marco.

4. LOST is back! And a new episode of BSG is on tonight.

5. The weather warmed up enough that we are able to venture outside again.

6. We've been invited to a wedding in Morocco. One of the guys in Daniel's stick fighting club is tying the knot in July. Apparently it will be a three day affair of feasting and dancing.

What's new with you?


  1. Oooh, let us know how that new Sarah Dessen book is. I always look forward to her new releases!

  2. I love your new header - the only thing missing from it is Emmy.

  3. Love the new colors and the new header!
    I'm looking forward to hearing what you think of Along For The Ride. If it's Dessen, it's got to be good, right? :P

  4. Along for the Ride???? Super jealous!

  5. I love the new header!!!

    And you got a Sarah Dessen book!

  6. Your makeover totally threw me off because I came here from Google on a search for your review of Fly Girl (How on earth did I miss it the first time around? I think my Reader hiccupped) and I thought I was on the wrong blog! I like it, though!

  7. I love your new header it's awesome.

    Ooooo, along for the ride! I can't wait to read your review!

  8. I love, love, love the new header and I am jealous..Along for the Ride sounds so good. I cannot wait to hear what you think of it.

  9. I love the new header! And Holiday on Ice sounds cool because I like cheesy ice-skating things.

  10. This is probably zero news to you, but: Daniel sounds like a MOST interesting guy!

  11. Morocco - will that be a new adventure or have you been there before? You've been so many places I can't remember...

  12. Wow, three days of dancing and feasting in Morocco! I'm so envious - I've always wanted to go there. Love the new header and colors. You certainly have had an exciting week!

  13. Wow, your blog looks so different, but I love it!

  14. I absolutely love the new header!

  15. I love the new look!! The header rocks my socks. You gotta read and put up a review for Along For The Ride asap okay? I'm super excited about it.

  16. Love your new header.

    Morocco eh? I always wanted to go there since I watched a documentary on Planet Food about it :)

  17. - LOVE the new header - it's great!
    - I just got Starfinder too. Really looking forward to starting it.
    - YEAH for LOST! You should check out the LOST books challenge blog - we're planning to link to episode recaps, book reviews, etc. - it should be fun.
    - ooh, a wedding Morocco ... that is a must-do!

  18. I should have Daniel design one for me!!! I love it!

    Kelly and I had a long conversation about apfelwein last night!

  19. You got Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen, I have serious book envy now.

  20. I can't wait to read Dessen's new book!! The header is fabulous!!!

  21. I am a huge figure-skating fan, Lenore! You will have to tell me how Holiday on Ice is! Who is the professional skater that Daniel met?

    I love your new header by the way, Daniel did good :)

    Have fun in Morocco this summer - it is somewhere I have always wanted to go. You better take some pictures to show us!

  22. I thought the header was new - it looks great! Morroco sounds like so much fun - I hope you get to go!

  23. LOVE the new header! It looks awesome!

  24. Lenore this is a wonderful new look!

  25. I love the new header, it is really cute but i agree Emmy should be in the header also. Love ya, Rhonda

  26. The new header is gorgeous, it looks perfect for your site!

    Oh you're lucky to be going to Morocco, my sister-in-law lived there and she says it's amazing.

  27. I LOVE THE HEADER!!! So jealous!

  28. What a beautiful header, Daniel is very talented! Lucky you to get to visit Morocco, how fun that would be. I'm as season behind on Lost and my husband and I are trying to catch the show!!

  29. So i do love the new header! I've been struggling with my entire layout, it just doesn't ever seem to look the way I want it.

  30. Looks great (needs Emmy though lol)! Nothing really new here... well actually... we looked at a house today that we really love. I think this could be the one!

  31. Love the new header! I had to come check it out since I usually get caught up in my reader.

  32. I like your new header and your new look a lot. Go Daniel!


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