Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Fabulous!

I have a few really exciting things to share.

1. I had dinner with YA Author Linda Gerber on Wednesday night!! Linda’s husband is being offered a job over here, so they came to scope out schools for their kids. We met at my favorite “crack” sushi restaurant (apt since we’ve both lived in Japan), and ate some amazing sushi (including Linda’s fave, ebi ten). We talked about the future of the “Death by” series (we both want there to be more books in the series), what she’s working on now (something paranormal – oooh!), how awesome the YA genre is right now (and that middle grade is “the next big thing”) and much more. We were having such a great time, the very patient staff actually had to kick us out! Also, not only did Linda sign my copy of her first book, Now and Zen, she also brought me two boxes of my favorite cereal, Quaker Oat Squares. Thanks Linda!

2. Season 4.5 of Battlestar Galactica starts tonight! I just finished the final episode of Season 4.0 yesterday and I was dumbstruck by the ending. I need to know what happens next! I don’t know why it took me so long to give this awesome series a chance (I just started watching it with my family over Christmas break), but I am so glad I did.

3. Our Chinese friend Weina is in town so I went to the Asian supermarket on Kaiserstrasse for the first time ever, and you know what they had?! Plantain chips! I loved eating these when I lived in Ecuador, and have only ever been able to find them in CA and FL until now. Yum!

4. I now have 100 followers and over 230 subscribers. I sincerely appreciate every single one.

5. Facebook has reunited me with so many friends I’ve lost contact with. It feels like a miracle every time.

6. I got another award! Meredith of Meredith’s Musings gave me the very stylish “Your Blog is Fabulous” award. Thank you sooo much!

What exciting stuff is going on in your life?


  1. What a fabulous week! :) Have a great weekend. :)

  2. I am so jealous right about now.

    You love BSG? I think you are my soul mate. Have you tried Friday Night Lights? It's perfection

  3. I told you the last ep would be amazing! I can't wait for BSG to start tonight!!!!!

  4. Thanks Keri, you too!

    Adele, I've not seen FNL as of yet. Next up I have the series I got for Christmas: Mad Men, Pushing Daisies and Chuck. Plus Lost starts on Wednesday again!

    S.Krishna - You were soooo right. I knew it was going to be big, but I had no idea it would be THAT!

  5. I love hearing all your news! I wrote over on Linda Gerber's blog that I was jealous she got to hang out with you! :P

  6. I saw that Alea - you are too sweet. One day!

  7. I would love to come out there! I have several friends from college that live in Germany!

  8. Then get over here! You can totally stay in our guest room :)

  9. It would be so so amazing! I had sushi last weekend too and YUM!

  10. Our "crack" sushi place is seriously awesome and it's almost worth the trip for that alone :)

  11. Heheh! I think this is the second or so time I've had it. It's so good!

  12. I, like Alea, am jealous that you and Linda Gerber got to meet up.

  13. Wow, that is some awesome stuff. And that's so cool you were able to hang out with Linda.

    My week was okay. Started classes again, and i'm loving one of them a ton...Philosophy and Sexuality. Besides that not much new has happened. :)


  14. Lenore - you are so awesome.

    I feel the same way about Facebook. So many old friends are reconnecting and it's just so awesome.

    And OMG. Quaker Oat Squares. My folks used to send me Capn Crunch for Christmas when I lived overseas. :)


  15. You have it all, Lenore. I'm so happy that you had not just sushi and conversation, but a chance to live and talk through several cultures.

    What an amazing number of subscribers and followers! I don't know what I'd do with such riches. But you've earned them all.

  16. Wow all kinds of interesting things! Not quite sure how to find out about subscribers since they changed Google Reader :(

    Nothing very exciting happening this week but I might drag hubby to the movies or maybe the bookstore this weekend.

  17. How exciting that you had dinner with an author! Also, that's a lot of followers! Congratulations :)

  18. I heart Plantain chips. Mom makes them every now and then.

  19. Congrats on the award AND hanging with Linda. That's so exciting. I need to find her books and read them. Think I'll hit up the used bookstore soon.

  20. We watched the last episode of season 4 last night, too - but hubby wants to wait for 4.5 on disc. He hates watching TV on TV - the commercials and having to wait between episodes. :(

  21. I'm so jealous of you. My week is so boring and stressful. And I agree with you on the facebook thing, i started to find my old friends through facebook and talked to them more. Congrats on the award :D

  22. wow what an amazing week. I wish I cold join you over in Germany. Things are pretty dull here!

  23. You've had a great week! Of course, you deserve it!

  24. Okay, so what'd you think of the new BSG ep? I think you started watching at a good time - personally, I think BSG is a lot better when watched in a marathon - there's so many details that I'd have missed if I'd watched it strung out one per week for several years.

  25. You seem to have lived in so many places, I am almost jeolous :)

    You deserve each and every follower Lenore...and yes the award too :)

  26. Nice new look. I enjoyed this feature, I read last week's too, nice idea.


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