Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (36) + Emmy's 1st Birthday!

Today's question: Have you ever looked at the Common Knowledge page, or viewed the history of changes/additions? If you were aware of this section, have you added any information? Do you find this information useful or interesting?

Today's answer: I never looked at the history of changes/additions page until just now, but I've been aware of the Common Knowledge page since I started going to book pages to enter my reviews. I've never added any information, but I did find it useful when I looking for books which had won awards.


Today is Emmy's 1st birthday! To celebrate, we gave her a whole roll of toilet paper to rip to shreads and gave her a box. I think she's quite enjoying herself! Daniel wants to give her a bath, but I think we'll wait until tomorrow for that.


  1. Happy Birthday, Emmy! She is such a cutie pie.

  2. Haha! So cute! I knew it was Tuesday but totally forgot Tuesday Thingers, hopefully I'll remember to do it tonight!

  3. I wish I could have that much fun with a roll of toilet paper and a box!

  4. Emmy is adorable! Aww, I just love cats!

  5. Happy Birthday Emmy! Too, too cute.

  6. Now that's a way to celebrate! Adorable little guy!

  7. Aw, she's adorable. Happy Birthday! What a fun gift!!!


  8. Happy Birthday Emmy! You look so cute hanging out of your box! Ooooooooooh, bath is a bad word at our house. lol.

  9. Aw what great pressies! Bet she's having the best day lol.

  10. I've used Common Knowledge a little. It's a fun area to browse.

    Happy Birthday to Emmy! She's still just a baby, isn't she? But already a beauty!

  11. OMG. She's too much. What an adorable cat.

  12. Happy Birthday Emmy! Love the picture!

  13. Happy Birthday Emmy. I hope you're satisfied with your present hah<3

  14. He he he. Let the toilet paper riping and box hiding commence

  15. Happy Late Birthday Emmy! I hope you guys didn't have to clean for too long after that roll of toilet paper lost its fun! :)

    I think the history of changes page is fun - I can see the latest information that way!

    Thanks for participating in Tuesday Thingers last week! I've got this week's posted now.

    Take care, Wendi


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