Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Fabulous! (4)

What I'm excited about this week:

1. Last Sunday, Daniel and I went to a cat show. The breeders we bought Emmy from were showing 6 of their cats and invited us. Since it was only 20 minutes away, we decided to check it out. Tons of cute cats and crazy cat obsessed people! I also got a bunch of free product samples – dry food, canned food and clumping litter (which is not so easy to find here in Germany).

2. At our friend’s Superbowl party (we only stayed for the first quarter), Daniel made some sort of drunken deal and we ended up with 144 cans of Fresca.

3. My blog received yet another award this week: The Blog Friends Award from Staci at Life in the Thumb. Thanks Staci!

4. I came across this bookish version of Sir Mix A Lot’s I Like Big Butts called I like Big Books at Both Eyes Book Blog. It is genius. Read it now!

5. A couple more books in my mailbox: The Beekeeper’s Apprentice by Laurie R. King for her 15 weeks of Bees tour (I am up in March) and The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristofano.

6. Have you tried the Dulce de Leche Girl Scout Cookies? Seriously yummy.


  1. wow you had an awesome week! Yum, those cookies sound delicious, I've never tried them before though :(

    Kisses and Lies does have quite a few gymnastic scenes in there but nothing super huge.

  2. congrats on the award...

    enjoy the Fresca...sheesh, Daniel and his drunken deals! HA!

  3. Haha, I wouldn't mind getting 144 Frescas out of a drunken deal.

  4. Yeah, I wasn't in on the deal, so why did I have to carry all the Fresca down to the basement by myself?!

  5. lol-144 cans of Fresca due to a drunken deal-that's hilarious. Sounds like a good week Lenore.

  6. Oh, Baby Got Book looks amazing! Now they have to do an audio version of it! :)


  7. I'd love to go to a cat show but I just know I'd try to bring something home with me lol. I'd really like an Egyptian Mau or a cat like your Emmy (a friend had one when I was younger named Hershey). Congrats om your award!

  8. What kind of cat is Emmy? BTW..I love her name!! Sounds like your week was fun!!

  9. I'm so jealous over those 144 Frescas. Tempted to jump on a plane and steal them... but then that would be rude.

  10. Thanks for the link to the spoof song, I love it! (I asked Ben if he'd heard of the original song and he hadn't--he says, "The original sounds like it should be a spoof of another song!" I agree. Sadly, it isn't.)

    Cat shows are so goofy and fun. I love the fancy little homes people set up for their cats to hang in at the show.


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