Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Scene of the Blog: Photo of my blog/work space

Cathy at Kittling: Books has an awesome new feature where she highlights the blogging space of bloggers around the blogosphere. And today, it's all about me!

So click here to see my space in all its glory. You know you want to.

Cathy is also still accepting participants, so if you want your blogging space to be featured as part of this series on her blog, just leave her a comment or shoot her an e-mail.

Thanks Cathy!


  1. I work from my bed so there is no way on earth I am taking a picture of it. Your work area is divine, I wish I had an area like that to look at cos I am pretty sure I'd be back to my bed regardless lol.

  2. I do most of my reading in my bed, actually. And I do like taking lots of naps!

  3. Great! Now everyone can know how great your blog is.

  4. We're twinsies!

    Do you ever wish that the lie about sleeping on your books would make their contents slip into your dreams and conscious memory, were true? LOL

  5. I would love that Adele! I also wish cats could talk.

  6. Your desk is so cool. Also very organised. Thanks for sharing. (I read in bed too)

  7. Your work space looks really cool. I'm in awe of how neat you are. my desk alone is always a mess : (

  8. you are really organized. I love you shelves...billy in the corner looks like from IKEA! :)

  9. Yes, that an IKEA shelf too Serena. But it is the thin LACK, not BILLY.

  10. Very tidy....from a fellow fan of Ikea.

  11. Great workspace! Very clean and efficient looking. I like your chair a lot too.

  12. What a great workspace you have and how lucky that you can work from home! Are those cat toys for Emmy on your chair?

  13. That is possibly the tidiest/most organised workspace I've ever seen! Me want!

  14. Hi Lenore.
    I just had to see your blog after having met you on Cathy´s blog.
    Nice to meet you, and great work space you have :)

  15. I am so jealous of how neat you are. It all looks so organized!

  16. You have a great space! I'm just naturally messy so that would be filled with clutter if it were mine lol. Love how everything is organized too :)

  17. Ah, I posted at on the actual post.

    I want to thank you here for regularly reading and posting at Black-Eyed Susan's. It's very easy to stop visiting fellow bloggers when your own blog becomes popular.

  18. I love your work area! I work all over, mostly the dining room table and it's a disaster. lol.

  19. I must admit that no matter how close I look I cannot see your Danish dictionary. Perhaps because I expect it to be red - you may have another edition than the red series from Gyldendal all our students use.


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