Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (20) Genesis by Bernard Beckett

The Genesis summary from the HMH catalog has me very excited with buzz words like "post-apocalyptic", "utopian" (you just know that actually means dystopian) and "plague-ridden". Well, just read it:

Set on a remote island in a post-apocalyptic, plague-ridden world, this electrifying novel is destined to become a modern classic. Anax thinks she knows her history. She’d better. She’s now facing three Examiners, and her grueling all-day Examination has just begun. If she passes, she’ll be admitted into the Academy—the elite governing institution of her utopian society. But Anax is about to discover that for all her learning, the history she’s been taught isn’t the whole story. And that the Academy isn’t what she believes it to be.

In this brilliant novel of dazzling ingenuity, Anax’s examination leads us into a future where we are confronted with unresolved questions raised by science and philosophy. Centuries old, these questions have gained new urgency in the face of rapidly developing technology. What is consciousness? What makes us human? If artificial intelligence were developed to a high enough capability, what special status could humanity still claim?

Those questions also sound like ones that need to be asked on Battlestar Galactica, don't they? Reviewers in New Zealand, where the book was originally released, are in fact calling this a modern YA sci-fi classic and it recently won NZ's highest award for YA fiction, the NZ Post Award. Very exciting! Too bad the fine folks at Houghton Mifflin Harcourt never seem to get my e-mails begging them for their awesome books. Guess that means I really will have to wait until the April 2009 release date stateside.

McClelland & Stewart is releasing it in Canada (also April 2009) with another cover and offers this description:

A brilliant and chilling dystopia for a new generation in the tradition of Brave New World.

“Explain to us why you wish to enter The Academy."

Anaximander, a young Academy candidate, is put through a gruelling exam. Her special subject: the life of Adam Forde, her long-dead hero.

It’s late in the 21st century and the island Republic has emerged from a ruined, plague-ridden world, its citizens safe, but not free, and living in complete isolation from outside contact. Approaching planes are gunned down, refugees shot on sight.Until a man named Adam Forde rescued a girl from the sea.

“Anaximander, we have asked you to consider why it is you would like to join the Academy. Is your answer ready?”

To answer that question, Anaximander must struggle with everything she has ever known about herself and her beloved Republic’s history, the nature of being human, of being conscious, and even what it means to have a soul. And when everything has been laid bare, she must confront the Republic’s last great secret, her own surprising link to Adam Forde, and the horrifying truth about her world.

I also found the planned UK cover (left) and the New Zealand cover (right). Which of the four covers do you like the best? Which one would get you to take a second look at the book? I prefer the US cover - kind of a darker version of The Other Side of the Island. The UK cover is prettier, but it doesn't look like a dystopia cover to me. The Canada cover makes it look like a comedy. Don't even get me started on the NZ cover.


  1. This sounds like a book I would enjoy. :)

  2. This book looks awesome... I'll be sure to put it on my list of books to look out for!

  3. This book sounds incredible. I'm a big fan of dystopian fiction myself. Can't wait to get my hands on this one. I like the UK cover the best...beautiful colors.

  4. I like the first 2 covers in the post, but I think the first cover draws more attention. However, I think I would have anticipated some sort of sea- or ship-related story instead of what it is.

    Nice find! It sounds fantastic!


  5. Wow! thank you for the heads up on this novel. This book sounds amazing. Dystopian society based books seem to be on a rise and they have me under their spell.

    The multiple covers are really fascinating, because each tell a different story. I am a sucker for a cover, it is what draws my attention to the book...but then the blurb is what really gets me to buy it.

  6. You make me love non-romance books more and more Lenore. I love the first cover the most!

  7. That does sound cool. NZ and Australia are just full of incredible authors.

  8. I don't really like the UK cover but the others are all interesting.

  9. I love the sound of this! I'm always drawn to dystopian and post-apocalyptic fiction. I think my favourite cover is the Canadian one.

  10. This book sounds like it will be excellent. I had not heard of until now, but it is definitely on my to be read list. The alternate covers are interesting too. Thanks for posting this!

  11. I post about my travels, too! So many adventures happen. We want to hear more about advertising copy job.

  12. This sounds like a must read! It does seem like a classic, maybe because it isn't one of the same old ideas for books... Can't wait to get it in April!

  13. "The Secret" and putting it down after a few pages.. I am with Lenore on this one! Sorry.

    Liviana: I love Australian authors, too! Have you read anything by Kathy Lette? She is pretty funny.

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