Sunday, March 15, 2009

Contest Winners: Speak and Rampant

Steph seems to be MIA, but with the help of, I picked 10 of the winners of the 10th anniversary edition of Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson.

Congrats to:

Melissa (shh..I'm reading)
Mo from Unmainstream Mom Reads
The Epic Rat
Emily Ruth
Katie of Katie's Book Blog
Teddy Rose

If you didn't win, be sure to check back at Reviewer X because you could be one of her 10 winners! Also be sure to check out for latest news and features about Speak and Wintergirls.

I also held a contest for Diana Peterfreund's killer unicorn book Rampant and the response was so overwhelming (200 entries!) that Diana donated a book as well.

So the winner of the signed copy of Rampant (coming from Diana) is: Brooke Reviews
And the winner of my ARC is: Silvia Pi

Congrats to all the winners! Please send an e-mail with your shipping address to lenoreva AT hotmail DOT com and we'll get your books out ASAP. You've got until Saturday March 21st to claim your prize and if I don't hear from you until then, I'll choose a new winner.

Don't forget to enter my contest for one of 5 copies of Laurie Halse Anderson's Wintergirls here.


  1. Congrats to all the winners. What a treat!

  2. Thanks! I'm very happy*

    I've sent you my info!

  3. Thanks! I'm so excited.
    I just sent my info.

  4. Congrats to the lucky winners!!!

  5. Congrats to all the winners *claps loudly*

  6. Thank you so much! I sent my info to you :)

  7. Holy cow, this is the second thing I've won today, third thing this week. What a week! Oh, and I'm sending my stuff right now. :)

  8. Thanks so much! I'm very excited to read this one!

  9. Thanks! I sent you my info, hope you got it alright. Congrats to all the winners!


  10. Thanks so much Lenore! I emailed you with my address.


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