Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday Fabulous! (8)

So here's what I am excited about this week:

1. Latest awards. Ok, I am going to feel like one of those Oscar winners who drones on and on with all their thank yous until they get played off stage...but here goes (and I hope I don't miss anyone): I got the Proximade Award from Zibilee of Raging Bibliomania and Jo of Ink and Paper, the Sisterhood Award from Donna of Bites, Ravenous Reader, Jen of 50 for Jen, Shalonda, karinlibrarian, Sheri of A Novel Menagerie, Kelly of A Novel Bookworm, and Amy of Addicted to Books, the Premio Dardos Award from Mo of Unmainstream Mom Reads, and the best award ever, the Zombie Chicken Award from Stephanie of Juiciliciousss Reviews and Mishel of Mis(h)takes. I'm overwhelmed by your enthusiam for my blog - thank you!

2. Latest books in my mailbox: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahamme-Smith, Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce, Turning Japanese by Cathy Yeardley, The Miles Between by Mary E. Pearson, and Rubies in the Orchard by Lynda Resnick (all for review).

3. KU, winners of last year's NCAA men's basketball tourney have made the sweet sixteen again this year and are playing today for a place in the elite eight. Go Jayhawks!

4. Our new kitten has been born - in a litter of 5 kittens! He is two weeks old now and lilac point. We are going down to meet him on April 9th, so first pictures then.

5. OK - so how crazy was that BSG series finale last week? Honestly I'm still trying to digest it. No spoliers (for the peeps who haven't watched it yet) but that thing with Starbuck was just...wierd.

6. This post on - Cats getting baths are always funny!

What are you excited about?


  1. New kitty SQUEALLLLL! I wonder if I would like BSG, no idea!

  2. OMG i just looked at the bath post, yes, that is the best thing ever! It's a mixture of so many great (not great for them) things, backing into corners, looks of terror, and hissing!

  3. Can't wait to see what you think of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. My 21 year old son is interested in that one, if you can believe it.

  4. How fun to see another book blogger following KU! Sometimes I feel very alone in my madness over yet another great thing like March Madness. Your mention of KU just warmed my heart a bit! :)

  5. I'm excited about you getting Pride and Prejudice and Zombies in the mail! Haha!

  6. congrats on your awards, your new reads and of course your new kitten!! yay!

  7. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is in my mail too! LoL

    I'm actually excited to read it. Great post.

  8. You have Bloodhound already?? I think I will have to die of jealousy now...

  9. So strange to see someone outside of my residence mention "Jayhawks" I live 45 minutes from Lawrence and that is all the talk in this neck of the woods!!

  10. That really is a bunch of fantastic stuff! I can't wait to see what you think of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies! I've been waiting to hear about that one.

  11. I am so jealous of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies! That one looks like so much fun.

  12. Oh wow! Congrats on the new kitty, I bet you can't wait to bring him home! Any ideas of names yet? I always wait to get a feel for the personality and the right name just becomes clear :)

  13. How about what I'm NOT excited about? The sleet and snow we've been having all day, with predictions of 8-15" of snow by tomorrow afternoon. Nothing like a spring snowstorm.

    And I can't wait to see the new kitty. Emmy's going to have a playmate! YIPPEE!!!!

  14. p.s. congrats on all the awards!

  15. I didn't see this entry yet, but

    I have given you an award. Pick it up here!

  16. Awwwwwwww. I guess I'm a bit late bevcause I've just gave you an award.

    check it out.

  17. I can't wait to see your new kitty pictures!! I'm looking forward to picking up Wintergirls at the library tomorrow!!!!Yeah!!!! Congrats on all of those awards!!

  18. Happy Kittyness to you, you wonderful mother.

  19. Aweee. new kittens! That is sooo incredibly cute!

  20. Umm, BSG? I did not even know what to make of the whole Starbuck thing. I'm sad the show is gone though!

    And I can't WAIT for your review of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

  21. The Starbuck thing is a little messed up, agreed! I think I've decided to take it as: when she came back at the end of S3, not all of her came back. That makes Anders's last comment a lot more poignant - since she's (at least partly) already there.

    (Gah, that's hard to talk about while still trying to keep your comments spoiler-free.) :)

  22. I liked the ending to BSG. Although i agree about the Starbuck thing and I thought the Opera House/Hera thing would be more momentous.

    Gaius was, as always great, though.

    Did you read Television without Pity's review? - very funny.

  23. Oh Pride zombies. I was looking at that yesterday at Barnes. It looks so funny and weird.

    The Miles Between looks so good. *jealous!

    I can't wait to see the new kitteh pics!

  24. Oh Kittens!! Cute! Congrats on your awards!!

    i am just happy to be home from Spring Break!

    Wdebo :)

  25. Looking forward to seeing your new kitten!

  26. Oh, those bath time animals were the best!!! Awww!!!

    Congrats on the awards and can't wait to see what you make of P&P and Zombies.

  27. You've had a great week. New kitty - fabulous

  28. Yipeeeeeeeee, a new kitty. Now that I'm excited about too. I can't wait to see pictures.

  29. Bloodhound by Tamora Pierce - I am quite eager to read this one. Can't wait to hear what you think!

    I miss BSG already. Dollhouse is okay, but a poor substitute.

  30. But Dollhouse has Helo. And Helo is yummy!

  31. The bath post was sooo cute!!!

    Congrats on the new kitty! Looking forward to seeing the pictures (=


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