Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (25) How It Ends by Laura Wiess

I haven't yet read any Laura Wiess yet, but when I read her answer to why she wrote HOW IT ENDS (coming August 2009) on the Simon and Schuster website, I knew I must read this ASAP because I've thought these exact same thoughts! It's like she wrote this book just for me. Here's what she said:

How It Ends grew out of some haunting, unanswered questions and two completely separate, very disturbing images I've had tucked away in the back of my mind for years. The unanswered questions were born as a result of several people who were dear to me passing away and me realizing -- after it was too late, of course -- that there were so many things I'd never asked them, stories only they knew that I should have taken the time to listen to and mostly, odd fragments of info discovered after their deaths that couldn't be resolved and will now always remain mysteries.

I started wondering about life stories, how each one of us has one that isn't apparent at first glance, what we tell the world about ourselves and what we deliberately tuck away and never reveal. And of how we never really know someone, no matter how much we want to believe that we do. I also wanted to explore how love begins, and how it ends, and what comes of each experience. I think everything that happens to us both teaches us something about ourselves -- what we accept, what we reject, what we're willing to trade and what we're not -- and shapes us for what comes next. The imprints -- both good and bad -- that we leave on each other -- often without meaning to -- and how we go on to translate them fascinates me no end.

WOW. Just wow.

Kelsey of Reading Keeps You Sane spotlighted this 6 weeks ago and said that the cover had a leaf on it, so I think this must be the UK cover. If Laura's words intrigued you, read the very exciting plot summary on Kelsey's blog.

As always, check out what other books bloggers are pining for over at Breaking the Spine.


  1. Oh my god oh my god! Can I second this?! I loved her first two books :)

  2. Ahhh! The cover is absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait until this is released!

  3. That sounds amazing! I really loved P.S. I Love You and this seems like it might have that feel to it.

  4. I really love the cover, and I want to read this too. I haven't read anything by her YET, but I want too and I even have Leftovers here so I need to find the time.

    I've never lost anyone close to me, but I do think about the things that you never learn about a person. You never fully know someone...only they will ever know EVERYTHING about themselves.


  5. i haven't read any Laura Weiss either but this does sound amazingly good.

  6. I love the cover too! I love Laura Weiss and I'm adding this to my wishlist! I have an award for you on my blog! :)

  7. I think the cover looks awesome. I haven't read any of her other books, but I want to--and this one, too.

  8. I've read Such a Pretty Girl and really enjoyed it. I love how she thought of this book. So many of us have felt that way after we've lost a loved one. Thanks for the heads up!

  9. Sounds lovely! I do like that version of the cover though!

    PS : Lenore you've received the Sisterhood award and can come pick it up whenever you like ^_^

  10. Lauren - Do you know the quote from Joseph Conrad "We live as we dream, alone." ?

    Your comment made me think of it.

  11. I LOVED "Such a Pretty Girl". Laura is an amazing writer. Can't wait for her next book - but I gotta wait until August?!?

  12. This sounds wonderful and heartfelt. I'm off to check out her other books and add this one to my list.

  13. Thanks for sharing about this sounds fascinating and thought provoking! I'm adding it to my wishlist.

  14. Wow is right! You hooked me. I will be adding this to my TBRs!

  15. Lenore, thanks so much for linking me!

    I actually looked at this book on the catalog online when i saw it. I found ballds of suburbia in there too. Both covers are just quickly made to be in the catalog for bookstores. That's probably the real one.

  16. This book does sound great! I am adding it to my Wish List!

  17. She asks some very interesting and thoughtful questions. Questions that I am sure most of us have asked ourselves. I think I would love to find out the type of book that these questions inspired, so thanks for posting this!

  18. Wow that totally grabbed me as well! I'll definitely be looking out for this one.

  19. I want this. WANTWANTWANT.

    And the cover?
    I <3 it.


  20. Definitely sounds like a great novel! I've heard a lot about Weiss but have yet to grab any of her books. Perhaps I'm long overdue! :)

  21. I love the cover. One of my personal all-time favorites, definitely :)

  22. I haven't read anything else by this author but it sounds really good!

  23. This sounds really good. Her words really resonated with me. I'll be adding it too the list.

  24. Sounds terrific! I haven't read anything by Wiess but I do have 'Such A Pretty Girl' on my shopping list.

  25. Definitely sounds like my kind of book. Thanks for the review ... I will have to look for this one.


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