Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (59) + picture of Emmy + Nothing But Ghosts Book Drive

Today's question from Wendi: What areas of Library Thing do you find confusing or frustrating? The team at LT seem to be continually updating things at the site. Is there anything in particular that you would like to see updated or changed?

You know...I can't really think of anything right now. I guess I'd like it if I could sort my books into LT authors and non-LT authors but that's only because of the LT author challenge. I think the LT team is doing a great job. I only wish I had more time to use the site to its full potential.


So it's official - new kitteh's new name is Finn. It's literary, evokes a bad-boy personality, and is easy enough to say in German and English. (Plus, we can call him Shark Fin as a nickname). As you can see, Emmy's become quite protective of our Finn.


Beth Kephart's newest novel NOTHING BUT GHOSTS releases today. I am in the middle of it and loving it so far (review up on Thursday). The amazing My Friend Amy put together a live chat/reading/party with Beth set for next Tuesday, June 30th at 9 PM PST/6 PM EST on her blog.

Not only that but we are both sponsoring a contest/book drive where the prizes get sweeter the more books are sold. Our goal is to sell 200 books to support this deserving author and show that blogs CAN have an impact on sales.

There are two ways to enter the contest - come to the chat/reading or send your receipt for NOTHING BUT GHOSTS to Amy (if you buy over amazon, use this link to make your purchase count automatically.) . Doing both gets you two entries. The prizes are:

At 25 copies sold, a paperback copy of Undercover along with a limited edition not available in stores My Friend Amy keychain!

At 50 copies, a 10 dollar Amazon Giftcard.

At 75 copies, a copy of No Such Thing as the Real World and a special limited edition My Friend Amy pen!

At 100 copies, a 15 dollar Amazon Giftcard

At 125 copies, a surprise box of 5 gently read books

At 150 copies, a 25 dollar Amazon gift card

At 175 copies, a custom designed blog header by my husband Daniel. (He's the one who did my header, as well as the header for Zombie Chronicles and Readingjunky.) Daniel has a book coming out in July of 2010, so you have your blog header designed by a world famous published illustrator! The book, Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten? releases in July 2010 from Balzer and Bray (Harper Collins) Check out Daniel's drawings.

At 200 copies, a 50 dollar Amazon gift card.

Please help us spread the word! Thanks :)


  1. I didn't think anything could be cuter than your pics of Emmy. I was wrong -- the pictures of Emmy and Finn are doubly cute.

  2. I bow down with happiness.

    And gratitude.

    You and Amy have rescued the day.

  3. Oh my gosh, Emmy and Finn are just adorable! I bought my copy of Nothing But Ghosts first thing this morning.

  4. Aw, they are so cute!

    I bought my copy this morning! I'm happy to be participating. I'll be sleeping through the author chat but I hope I'll be able to read about it on Amy's blog the next day.

  5. I LOVE that pic of your kitties!
    So cute!

  6. I just knew it wouldn't take too long for them to be the best of friends!

  7. What a happy little kitty family!

  8. I did like Sawyer too, but I think Finn is the perfect name for your little guy! It suits him perfectly.

  9. I just finished NOTHING BUT GHOSTS. <3!

  10. Finn is SO cute! Like a mini-Emmy! AwWWW! Kitteh!

  11. oh my god I can't take your cute cats pics any longer. The overwhelming cuteness is going to kill me.

  12. The bookstore where I reserved my copy of NBG just called to say my book is ready to be picked up.
    Yay, it will be in my hands soon - EXCITEMENT.

    I'm so wonderfully happy about what you and Amy are doing. *jumps up and down with glee*

  13. Hello Finn! Looks like you're enjoying Emmy. Too cute! I love snuggly pics of kitties!

  14. That's so dear!

    I have 3 cats. They never sleep together. They can't even walk down the hallway w/o smacking at each other!

  15. That is the sweetest picture I have ever seen! It should be in a calendar or something! :)

  16. I can hardly tell where one cat ends and another begins! :)

  17. awwww....those two are adorable. And I love the name Finn. I wanted that to win!


  18. was there a post about Library Thing here somewhere? I was distracted by the kitties...lol

  19. That book drive is such a good idea! And the photo is adorable :)

  20. What a sweet picture! It looks like they've really bonded. Emmy and Finn - I like the sounds of their names together - great choice :)

  21. What a precious picture! Looks like Emmy took Finn right under her wing.


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