Thursday, July 9, 2009

Contest Winners and Blogger Trading Cards

You all took great delight in raiding my bookshelf and caressing all my ARCs. I asked which book you were most looking forward surprise that CATCHING FIRE won by a landslide. But that was NOT one of the books I was offering. My copy is signed, and I'm keeping it! ASH, HUSH HUSH, and BEAUTIFUL CREATURES proved to be the most popular, garnering at least 25 votes each, but every book on my list of 21 was mentioned at least once.

But you want a winner. So according to the winner is...Tarie of Into the Wardrobe! She said she wants me to read ASH by Malinda Lo and AN OFF YEAR by Claire Zulkey. So...I'm going to read these by the end of the month and then send them off to you Tarie. Assuming you send me your mailing address to lenoreva at hotmail dot com.

I had another contest for my copy of Geektastic. The winner there is...Nymeth of things mean a lot! Her brilliant caption? "Hey look, it's the girl with three fingers growing out of her neck again! Cthulicious." Funny and geeky! I did crop that picture of David Levithan stalking me rather strangly, I'll admit.

And going WAY back to the very end of May, I promised some readers I'd send them my blogger trading card from BEA. Envelopes are already addressed to Liyana, Thao, Celia, Melissa, and Beth Kephart but have not yet gone out because I have been too busy to make it to the post office. I still need addresses for the following: PJ Hoover, polo.pony, Heather Zundel, Jenna, Melanie, Red Lady Bonnie and dissectingperfection. Please forgive me if you already sent it. My inbox is a mess and I can no longer find it.

Speaking of blogger trading cards, these are the ones I was able to collect:

Aren't they snazzy? In case you can't read the names, that's Alea (Pop Culture Junkie), My Friend Amy, Molly (My Cozy Book Nook), Natasha (Maw Books), Candance (Beth Fish Reads), Jenn's Bookshelf, Bethanne (Book Maven), Dawn (She's Too Fond of Books), Julie (Booking Mama), and Gayle (Every Day I Write the Book).


  1. I got 11 of the book blogger trading cards, but sadly, yours was not one of them.

  2. I can't believe I won!!! Thanks so much for the giveaway :D And congrats to Tarie! I love her choices.

    The blogger trading cards all look great!

  3. Thanks for sharing pics of the trading cards with us!

  4. Congrats to the winners!

    I love the book blogger trading cards! Thanks for sharing, I hadn't seen them before. =)

  5. Now... how to create a Yu Gi Oh! type game out of the blogger trading cards.....that is the main question...

  6. Wow, blogger cards? That's awesome! How did you get those?

  7. Blogger trading cards? That's so cool!

  8. Those trading cards are really neat!! And I agree with Marie that they need to create a card game out of them . . .

    Also, you have a really nice smile, Lenore!

  9. Those book blogger cards are really cute!!! Congrats to Tarie and to Nymeth!!

  10. I was lucky enough and was surprised with someone mailing me a bunch of cards yours wasn't one of them sadly, but from your list I have 8 of them. Plus another 8 different ones.

  11. Weeeee it's me! I need to get mine organized they are like in catalogs and stuff :/

  12. How super cool is that? I am serious - I am going next year.

  13. Whoa whoa whoa, what are these blogger trading card things and why do they look so rad??

  14. Oh my gosh, these are darling!!! Will you be doing them again at BEA next year? I totally want to collect them!

  15. WHA????? What are Book blogger Trading cards??? How awesome are those? I need to know more, I think I need them to add to my millions of other things I like to collect!

    Congrats to the winners! Have fun!

  16. My blogger trading cards never made it to BEA, although Permanent Paper re-printed them and mailed them to my house! Wasn't that nice? :)

  17. The blogger trading cards were the idea of Firebrand/NetGalley ( who hosted a bunch of us bloggers at their booth at BEA.

  18. Congrats to the winners!
    The blogger trading cards look cool!!

  19. Lenore, I need all the tips I can get!!
    My middle name is Lenora! but people always think I'm saying Lenore.

    I can't believe you have Catching Fire. I'm green with envy!

    email me with ANY and ALL tips you can give!
    We European bloggers should stick together! It seems like they all are in America.

  20. I won?! Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! *excited to read Ash and An Off Year* I'm off to email you my address. :D

  21. Congrats to the winners. I love the card, you look great in it Lenore. Can't wait to get it ^^

  22. I just have to say that I should have gone to BEA for the trading cards alone! They are so adorable!

  23. Thanks for highlighting some of the blogger trading was fun to see them since I wasn't at BEA. I will email my mailing address to you and look forward to getting your blogger trading card!!

  24. I love my trading cards! Wasn't that fun.


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