Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (63) + Video of Emmy (Finn smackdown!)

Today's question from Wendi concerns the new Early Reviewer "won" books page on LibraryThing: Have you checked out your ER list? Is it accurate? Did you need to mark any books as not received?

My list is accurate. I've won 11 books so far and reviewed 9 of them. 2 are quite recent, and I am reading one of them right now. I love this new feature - very helpful!


Ok - smackdown time. The following video is pretty representive of the typical smackdown except that usually Finn strikes first. Enjoy.


  1. Wow, Finn's gotten big! That's so funny though!

  2. Finn: Lenore, you're my second. Stay there okay?
    Emmy: Not this time, kitty. *strikes*
    Finn: Ow! *checks if Lenore's behind, looks at Emmy* Next time won't be so easy. *walks off*
    Emmy: That's right kitty. Who's yo momma?

  3. TCR - He's been with us for 6 weeks now. When we first got him, he was tiny. But he eats, and eats, and eats... Daniel wants him to grow to be twice Emmy's size, so we'll see!

    Liyana - LOL!

  4. So cute! My kitties do this too!

    They love sneak attacks too!

  5. Finn started the battle and then walked away. How cute! I wish I could touch the kittens hehe

  6. We're introducing a new kitten into our house soon too. I'm expecting a lot of this at first...

  7. lol. Your kittehs are awesome. My youngest is three already (and the two eldest are ten - eek!), so they're getting two old for these shenanigans. I miss watching them, though.

  8. Yay! An Emmy/Finn video! My Early Reviewers list is accurate, too, unfortunately.

  9. Awww poor Finn. He's so cute! :)

  10. I haven't logged into Librarything in a million years. I need to go by and see this new feature.

    Hee-hee. I see Emmy is still showing Finn who's boss.

  11. Wow--he's grown so much already...poor Emmy--she doesn't have a prayer once he's grown..she'd better get all her licks in now!!

  12. OMG-that was so funny. I had to watch it twice! I can't believe how big Finn is already. Wow. Never a dull moment at your house anymore is there? lol.

  13. Poor little Finn! Although I must say, I think he's being a little melodramatic with the landings. It's like, "Kitty smack!" "Ahhhhhhhh! I'm flipped over! I'm rolling around on the floor! I've been smacked! I've been smacked!"

    Kitties are so funny.

  14. Love the cat video! One 16 year old cat just isn't that entertaining :-).

  15. Dar - We love watching them. The drama is constant :)

    Katie - Well, Finn always starts it. Emmy's just defending herself.

  16. I'd like a soundtrack to the next film, please. Like, "Don't Come Around Here No More" by Tom Petty. Emmy needs a theme song about how she's the boss, the KingPin, queen of all she surveys.

    And, Finn... he just wants to play... poor Finn. His little ears going back... aawww... What should his theme song be? "I Want to Get Away" by Lenny Kravitz?

    Too cute, Lenore!


  17. glad you could work a LT answer in, what with the video and all. How can I compete?

    Bandit, get the video camera and get ready...photos are not enough anymore!! "Scene 1, take 1, ACTION!"

  18. That scene looked familiar. Oh Yeah, that was our cat and my daughter's 6 month old kitten at 2 or 3 a.m. every morning. They had to move in with us for a couple of months while their house was being made ready.

    I did check out the new Library Things New Early Reviewers gadget. I am new to them and have only reviewed one book and it is accurate.

  19. Smackdowns are still pretty typical at our house. Abby is almost a year and a half old, and she still antagonizes Muffin. I love to watch them "fight". It never turns into a real fight, but sometimes there is a bit of growling and hissing. So fun to watch tho! And I can't believe how big Finn is already!

  20. So cute! I thought Emmy would surely pounce on Finn when he walked away. :P

  21. Our boy cats do that smackdown thing frequently too. Though they usually just walk it off and forget it quickly, it's always funny to see how ferocious they are to each other.

  22. Cats are so fun! We've just been kitten-sitting for my cousins who went away and their kitten was so energetic. We'd be sitting and chatting and someone would make a tiny scratching noise and Jess would POUNCE! Then we got home to our old cat and my little brother went - 'wow, she's a lot bigger than she was when we left.' lol

  23. What a great video! It seemed like Emmy didn't like Finn touching the rug :)

  24. Wow, finn is getting bigger. Wonderful little video.

    Wow, I had no idea about the new LT feature...going to have to check that out.
