Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (67) + Picture of Emmy

This week's LT question from Wendi: Have you recently browsed any of the groups? Are you actively participating in any groups? Do you have any favorites?
I like the Read YA group, the Early Reviewer group and the ARC Junkie group. Although I'm not a very active contributer anymore, I still like to check in from time to time.


Since Finn's arrival, whenever Emmy wanted some peace and quiet, she'd curl up on the shelving above the fridge where Finn couldn't reach her. Well...not only has he now reached the cereal shelf....

...he's also claimed it for himself and deposed poor Emmy!


  1. Finn is getting so big!! They are both gorgeous cats. How funny, he took over her spot. Cats are so hilarious.

  2. Aww! Poor Emmy! We have a similar battle going on at our house. Sylvester, our tuxedo cat, has taken over the top "branch" of the cat tree (It's huge, looks like a tree). Won't let the princess, Jadzea up there, or even close to it. If she gets on the branch below, he'll pop her in the head until she moves. Men...I tell ya!

  3. Aww poor Emmy! Give her a hug for me!

  4. I feel bad for rooting for Finn xD

  5. That little Finn is something else! Poor Emmy needs to find another secret hiding place.

  6. Wow, Finn is getting to be a big boy. Looks like they are getting along so far...though Emmy seems to be getting the short end of the stick here.

  7. So bloody CUTE!!!!!!!!

    Mega Palooza contest at my blog!
    A chance to win a lot of books!


  8. Awww! Those cats of yours are so adorably cute! And Finn is getting not so small quickly - poor Emmy will have to share her space now!

  9. Awwww! Your cats are just so adorable! Poor Emmy will have to find another spot! Lol!

  10. Our Big Kitty is getting tired of our Little Kitty (Wavey) following her around and wanting to be everywhere she is. Happy to report that they're actually playing together, though--and we can tell they're playing because Big Kitty has stopped growling and hissing at her, unless BK is asleep and Wavey pounces on her.

  11. You're Cats are soooo Cute! Are they Ragdolls? I used to have one that looked just like them, but we had to give him away...my brother was badly allergic :(

  12. Your cats are so unbelievably adorable.

  13. YAN is evil for supporting Finn ;)

    Robby, the cats are Birman, not Ragdoll.

  14. OMG! SOOOOO funny! Love the dynamics of having 2 cats in the house!

  15. Awww! They're so cute :D


  16. My three used to wage pitched battles for the beanbag footrest thing I had (navy blue corduroy and cat hair are not a good combination!) but my big boy never paid much attention to who had already claimed a spot. He would just plop his big self down right next to them, and slowly the whole thing would sag in his direction due to his weight. These days under the dining room table seems to be the spot of choice.

    On a completely different note wanted to let you know, I nominated Presenting Lenore for a blog award. Details are here:

  17. Look at that self-satisfied look on his face!

  18. Oh no look at Finn, he seems happy when Emmy is miserable. Tsk tsk.

  19. Aww. I can just imagine her passive-aggressive flounce off to the new spot on the microwave.

  20. You can totally tell that Finn wants just to hang with her in there. He didn't want her to leave. He wanted snuggles. But, Emmy... she needs her solace.

  21. He is so cute. And I agree, he's getting Monstrous Big!

  22. Both so cute! Poor Emmy though, getting kicked out of her favorite spot. I hope she finds a new one.

  23. Hee-hee. Emmy can't hide now!

    My cats love hanging out on top of the toaster oven which is on top of the fridge. They take turns.

  24. Some of us, including cats, just want to be alone sometimes.

    I find that blogging eats up a lot of time that I once used to check out the LT groups, but I still try to keep up on some..

  25. So, is this Finn 1 - 575 Emmy? :P He's growing so fast!

  26. Poor Emmy, she has to give up her favorite spot for the new kid on the block. Hopefully she can find a new spot that makes her just as happy.

  27. Poor Emmy! The younger sibling takes over ^_^ They are so cute together!


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