Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hunger Games Movie fan casting & A bunch of contest winners!

Thanks for all your casting suggestions for the Hunger Games movie. I loved your ideas for Haymitch which included Nathan Fillion, Robert Downey Jr., Bill Murray, Brendan Gleeson, and Jack Black. I'm sure any one of those could pull off this important role, though I have to say I am most intrigued by the idea of Jack Black. A lot of people liked Dev Patel or Alex Pettyfer for Peeta (maybe too wild of an image?) and Ben Barnes for Gale (maybe too old at 28?). Katniss was harder - though Dakota Fanning was metioned quite a bit, I just can't see it, even if she is a great actress (and the right age). Oh, and can I say I pictured Cillian Murphy as Cinna the entire time I was reading?

Jack Black as Haymitch - Alex Pettyfer as Peeta - Ben Barnes as Gale

What do YOU think?

But you want to know the winners of my big CATCHING FIRE contest right?

Congrats to My Friend Amy (Team Peeta!), Rylie (Team ?) and Nonie (who is a huge CF fan, and on Team Peeta as you can see here). You have all won a copy of Catching Fire, a limited edition t-shirt and a mockingjay pin.

I also had a huge STOLEN ONE contest generously sponsored by the author Suzanne Crowley.

The winner of the book, $75 worth of MAC make-up and a $25 gift card to Barnes & Noble is: Katie of Sophistikated Reviews! We can't wait to see you model the make-up on your blog. You will do that won't you?! Please?!

Runner-up and winner of a copy of the novel is: Liz of Booklover.


Finally, the winner of DREAMING ANASTASIA by Joy Preble is Cherie J.

All winners please contact me at lenoreva at hotmail dot com with your mailing address to claim your prize. If I don't hear back from you within 3 days, I will choose new winners. Thanks!

To everyone else, there are still a couple of open contests - see my sidebar for details!


  1. Oh i didn't think of Jack Black, but he is a crazy kind of guy. Could pull it off. Mickey Rourke could too.

    LOVE Ben Barnes, but he is a bit too old for the role. He is sure yummy though.

    Dakota Fanning? She has NONE of the features of KATNISS. I don't see it.

    CONGRATS TO EVERYONE WHO WON!!! I'm uber jealous!

  2. Love Jack Black for Haymitch. Maybe its just me, but I am tired of seeing Alex and Ben nominated for every role- ugh

    I like to use Kevin Zegers when I make a Gale graphic, but he is to old too.

    Congrats to the winners.

  3. Oh, I like Jack Black as Haymitch, I think. The rest of them--eh. I don't know enough young actors, apparently, to be able to come up with my own Peeta and Gale casting suggestions. Maybe no one else really does, either. That's it--unknowns for all three roles: Peeta, Gale, Katniss.

  4. Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

  5. yay I won! I didn't even know I won until my friend pointed it out to me. I didnt get an email!!


  6. Congratulations winners! I'm soooo jealous! :)

    Enjoy your prizes!

  7. yay! and no Dakota Fanning for Katniss!

  8. Intresting casting choices...hmmm.

  9. I didn't imagine Cinna being Cillian Murphy but it is such a nice image that I might have to now. I think Jack Black would be a pretty good choice for Haymitch, but I did imagine him being about ten years older. That could easily be taken care of with make-up. I would probably go with Brendan Gleeson.

    Whoever that Alex kids is, he's cute! He would work as long as he gained a few pounds for the start of the movie.

  10. Jack Black...would be perfect. I NEVER would have thought of him, either. As for Katniss, I think the casting director should find some unknown actress for the part. As much as I love Dakota (and think she'll make a perfect Jane in New Moon) she isn't Katniss to me.

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  12. Congrats, winners! I agree on Ben Barnes. Completely gorgeous. I'm adding 'Easy Virtue' to my Netflix queue...

  13. Congrats to the winners! I never would have thought of Jack Black, but now that you mention him I think he'd be perfect for the role.

  14. Jack Black sounds like he would really make it work as Haymitch (possibly my favorite character in the series). Oh and any Ben Barnes anywhere and anytime is fine by me.

  15. Interesting actor choices! Congrats to all the winners :)

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. i love alex for peeta!!!!!!!! great choice! and on all the rest of them! dont u dare change them

  18. nic job!

    come check out my blog:

  19. Does anyone know about the auditions for the Hunger Games Movie?

  20. I think Jack Black is right but Peeta should be more stocky. He should still be skinny but have a stocky build. Gale is ok but I just didn't picture him like that. I sorta pictured Doon from The City of Ember/my cousin. I thought he should look more rough because he always is working. I also thought he should have short hair. So, that's my review. Sorry if I'm too blunt for you.

  21. Ben Barnes would be great as Gale, but I think Drew Roy should be Gale. He played Jesse on Hannah Montana and played Griffin on iCarly. He would be amazing with this character.


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