Sunday, October 25, 2009

Read-a-thon goals accomplished: 500 comments!

I did it - 500 comments. I tried to visit every blog that signed up, and I left a comment as long as it was fairly easy to do so. It was wonderful to see everyone's progress and the mini-challenges were lots of fun.

Now for the end of readathon meme:

1. Which hour was most daunting for you?
None in particular. I went to bed and slept for 5 hrs and then Emmy woke me up by biting my earplug out of my ear.
2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
Everyone reading the Hunger Games seemed to be enjoying it. Which is more than I can say for How I Live Now.
3. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
Nope - if it aint broke, don't fix it!
4. What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
Everyone was really enthusiastic. I even had people cheering on my cheerleading!
5. How many books did you read?
Only 1.
6. What were the names of the books you read?
AMBERVILLE by Tim Davys (343 pages)
7. Which book did you enjoy most?
Guess it would have to be that one.
8. Which did you enjoy least?
Ditto ;)
9. If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders?
Setting a goal for yourself is essential. And keep track of how many blogs you visit so you can see your progress.
10. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
We'll see! If the time is right, I'd love to participate again. I don't know that I would go for 500 comments again though!

I'd like to say I'm going to take a nap now, but unfortunately, it looks like Finn may have an infection from his surgery. He's thrown up 6 times and is totally lethargic and hot. We are going to the vet here soon. Hope it's nothing serious. Poor little guy.


  1. Congrats Lenore. You've given me something to strive for next year. :D

    Thanks for popping by and offering your encouragement. It was much appreciated.

  2. Lenore, you did great! Thanks for popping in and cheering me on. Your comments always seemed to come at just the right time!

  3. Poor little Finn! I'll be cheering for both of you and a speedy recovery!

  4. I can't believe that you managed to do it. Awesome, awesome job and it really mattered, at least to me. It was very nice to see you commenting on my blog. Thanks bunches:)

  5. Congrats on hitting 500 comments! And reading a book. :) I agree that keeping track of your cheerleading #'s (even if just privately) is really motivating!

  6. Wow, I'm impressed! And it was great to get your comment--thanks!

    I hope little Finn feels better soon.

  7. Congrats! Hope Finn gets to feeling better soon, and you get some much deserved sleep. =)

  8. Congrats Lenore on reaching your goal! :D
    I really hope Finn is okay, too :( I wish him a speedy recovery!

  9. Poor kitty!!! I hope you can make the spring readathon.

  10. Way to go, Lenore! And I know all of us greatly appreciated your thoughtful encouragement.

  11. I hope Finn is okay!

    Also, I can't believe people didn't like HOW I LIVE NOW. Meg Rosoff is one of my absolute favorite authors. I'm still annoyed an old roomie lost my copy of JUST IN CASE.

  12. Congratulations on meeting your goal! (I thought I was the only one who wears earplugs to bed.) Poor little Finn - give him some loving from me.

  13. You did great! Congratulations!

    I hope Finn feels better soon!

  14. Thanks so much for stopping by and cheering me on yesterday. You are definitely a super cheerleader!

  15. 500 comments? You did a wonderful job! Thank you so much for cheerleading.

  16. You did do a fantastic job :D Thanks so much for the comments on my blog! They meant a lot! I was going to read How I Live Now, but I heard more than one person say it didn't work for them, so I put it aside :( I'll try it some other time though!

  17. Congrats! You did awesome =)
    I never did enjoy "How I Live Now".

  18. You did so well, Lenore! I feel like we are kindred spirits now that I have seen so many of your comments around Blogosphere :-) Good work!! Also, I don't know how you kept track of all the blogs you commented on. I visited every one, but I have no idea how many actual comments I left. Hopefully around 320? Not sure...

  19. 500 comments?! Congrats, I'm glad I was one of them! Thanks!

  20. 500 comments? Wow! As the receiver of some of those, thank you! I was blown away by the support of the cheerleaders this year!

  21. 500 comments?? You rock!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and cheering me on!

  22. I hope Finn is ok. Thanks for being such a great cheerleader!

  23. Congratulations, Lenore! 500 comments - that is fabulous! You did a wonderful job - and thank you too for cheering my cheering efforts :)

  24. Congrats!
    I hope Finn gets better soon!

  25. Congrats on all that commenting - that is amazing!

  26. You did a fantastic job commenting, thank you! Hoping Finn has recovered and you have had some rest!

  27. Congratulations on the completion! You're a great cheerleader. 500 comments. WOW!

  28. 500 comments...that's awesome. Thanks for commenting on mine!

  29. I hope Finn's doing better.

    Thanks for stopping by during the read-a-thon. I appreciated it.

  30. EXCELLENT...those comments meant a lt; thank you

  31. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and cheering me on during the Read-A-Thon. Cheerleaders make all the difference.

  32. That's some serious cheerleading, lady.

  33. Thank you so much for stopping by and cheering me on during the read-a-thon. As a first-timer, I really appreciated it.

    500 cheers is very impressive. Woo Hoo, just for you :)

  34. 500 comments?!? You are amazing!!

  35. Congratulations on meeting your goal during the Read-A-Thon! I'm very impressed, 500 comments seems like a huge amount!

  36. I can't believe you commented on 500 blogs! that is amaazing! I know mine was one of them because I was stopping by to thank you for your cheer! And I love that you were getting cheered for your cheering! : )

    I might try being a cheerleader next time!

  37. Wow, 500 is wonderful!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. It really was encouraging during the read-a-thon.

  38. yay for the 500! and thanks so much for cheering me!

  39. First, poor Finn. I hope he is feeling better.

    Second, Congrats on 500!

  40. i can't believe you did that.

    and now to face an infection with poor Finn.

    i think you deserve eight hours of sleep.

  41. Believe it or not...I am STILL trying to catch up with the Read-A-Thon posts *laughs* 500 comments is!


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