Sunday, December 6, 2009

Book Review: Crossed Wires by Rosy Thornton

Single mother Mina works at a call centre and connects with one of her customers, single father Peter who has a habit of banging up his car. Could they have found love?

This is the kind of book I NEVER read. I generally don’t care for romance, and if you throw in some precocious kids (this novel has 3 main ones, including a set of twins whose dialogue I had to skim it annoyed me so) - I am really outta there.

The colorful cast of characters and whole range of dramatic situations make me think this could be made into a successful romantic comedy film, so if that’s your thing, you might really like this novel. It veers just enough off formula to make it interesting, but sticks with genre conventions enough to be cozy and heartwarming.

As for me, I did enjoy Mina’s experiences with callers at her job at least. There are certainly some hilariously clueless people out there…

CROSSED WIRES doesn’t seem to be available in the US, but it is out now in paperback in the UK. If you are in the US and want to read this one, let me know in the comments. The first to claim it, gets it!

Find out more about the book (and read excerpts from reviews by people who really adored it) at the author's website.


  1. I want it!!

    forwhlz at gmail dot com

  2. I've read a lot of great reviews for this book, but I'm not much for romance either, so I'm not sure it's for me. The cover is just a little too pink for me.

  3. I read this earlier in the year and liked it, although like you I am not one for kids. I actually think this is one of the few adult books I've read in the last couple of years where I haven't wanted to strangle the small children ('The Other Hand' ewww).

  4. Jodie, I didn't mind Mina's daughter, but the twins....couldn't stand them.

  5. I'm not 100% sure if I'd like this or not but I've heard good things about it. That cover is a major turn off though!

    Congrats to the winner!

  6. I can definitely see where you're coming from, though I actually loved this book -- I thought it was much more about family dynamics than romance, in the end, and found the love story to be believable and touching. I'm a huge fan of women's fiction, though, so those elements didn't phase me. :)

  7. It looks like a lot of fun to me. Can't wait till it's out here in the states.

  8. I do like romance...but I have to say I'm a genre romance snob (is that an oxymoron?). I may give this one a try if I see it at the library, though. Nice review!

  9. I hated the cover but loved this book, though I don't read romances either. (I wouldn't call this book a traditional romance though.)

    I linked to your review!

  10. I actually like the cover a lot. But precocious children are just - ugh. Its an immediate turn-off for me when I'm reading a book.

  11. I just won this book in a giveaway, and it's not my typical style of book. I am hoping that I enjoy it and I am sorry that you didn't. I do worry about the precocious children a bit...usually that bugs me.


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