Saturday, December 19, 2009

Book Review: The Natural Beauty Book by Anne Akers Johnson

Last year I reviewed THE GREEN BEAUTY GUIDE by Julie Gabriel and one thing that made that book less than ideal for me on a practical level was that most of the home spa recipes were complicated, requiring high-tech kitchen appliances and lots of exotic ingredients.

THE NATURAL BEAUTY BOOK, aimed at teens, is definitely more my level of difficulty. Almost all the recipes are simple and use common ingredients. The appealing package includes two bottles of essential oils (lavender and tangerine) that are required for some of the fancier recipes. Also included are other fun home spa items such as nail tools, a headband, loofah, and pumice stone.

The advice in the book - from the right way to wash your hair to the truth that your feet prefer comfortable shoes - is very basic (that's where the GREEN guide excels), but I can imagine the fab and fun DIY spa recipes being a big hit at slumber parties.

THE NATURAL BEAUTY BOOK is available now in paperback. Find out more about it at the publisher's website.

PS. If you are doing any last minute Christmas shopping for a younger teen girl, this would be a great choice!


  1. Oh i absolutely love these books. They're amazing.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I could definitely use this LOL. I have no idea about beauty regimes. It doesn't seem to matter though when your face is glued to the computer and no one sees it. Fun review.

  4. I love the idea of a more simple book. Even though it's meant for teens, this sounds like something that would work well for me!

    And I am ALL for comfortable shoes. :) Wearing heels was so not worth the back problems they caused. Flats all the way. :)

  5. Would make a great gift for the pre-teen or teen!

  6. Sound like fun! I have a younger cousin that these sound perfect for, thanks for the tip!

  7. Looks like a great little package. They need to make these for beauty-challenged grown-ups who suddenly realize their skin isn't going to stay young forever!

  8. I was looking for a gift for a 13 year-old. I think I've found it :)


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