Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Library Thing Tuesday (82) + Picture of Emmy

Today Wendi is talking about the World Cat feature. And as per usual, I just checked it out today for the first time. I looked for my edition of George Orwell's 1984 but didn't find it.

But I do have another kind of world cat for you today too - a Lamu cat I snapped a picture of in a alley way of this Kenyan beach town. They are said to be the closest breed to those cats you see depicted in Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Aristocratic, no?

And because I don't want you to feel cheated out of Emmy, here she is cuddled up in our blanket. It's getting MUCH colder here...


  1. that lamu cat is very handsome! :-) but emmy wins as usual for sheer cuteness.

  2. awww they're adorable. I love kitties.

  3. the lamu cat is cute but looked rather grumpy. And Emmy, as usual, is adorable!

  4. Ooh, a Lamu cat! I have a gorgeous book about them- fascinating.

  5. I never get tired of kitty pics. LOVE them.

  6. The first catlooks like Allie. Your cats are too cute, who is going to watch them when you come home for Christmas. We need lists for you and Daniel.


  7. The first catlooks like Allie. Your cats are too cute, who is going to watch them when you come home for Christmas. We need lists for you a
    nd Daniel.


  8. It's called The Cats of Lamu- I wrote about it here

  9. Emmy looks like she is super comfortable in that blanket! The lamu cat is very pretty as well.

  10. and Bandit is cuter than them both!

    ..or at least I think so..lol

  11. That lamu cat has a different shaped head than the ones that I see around here!! Emmy has the right idea!

  12. Kitty pics always put a smile on my face. Thanks, Lenore!

  13. Emmy, share the blanket!!!! :D

  14. Awww, that is such a great pic of Emmy all snuggled in. It's getting really cold here now. Buddy crawls under the covers at night and lays close to the heating pad even though he's so furry.

  15. Gotta love Emily! The Lamu cat looks a bit too skinny to me. Or maybe my own cat is a bit on the plump side, lol.

  16. I love kitties. They're both cute =)


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