Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tuesday (84) = Picture of Emmy

I am traveling again (I know, can you believe it?), but here's a shot of Emmy before I left exploring the cupboard while I was cleaning it out:

She's staying at friends of ours and they are taking great pics so I'll have one of those for you next week.

So where am I? Easter Island!

Ha, ha... just kidding. That was taken in DC at the Museum of Natural History (setting of Night at the Museum 2). My friend Kelly and I thought a bit of photoshop trickery would be fun.

So yeah, I was in DC for a few days visiting friends, and now I am in LA for a few days visiting friends (had a lovely meeting with My Friend Amy on Sunday). Yesterday we drove to Joshua Tree National Park and the Salten Sea and today we are going to visit Daniel's alma mater Art Center in Pasadena and then go to Santa Monica.

I'll be in Kansas on Thursday, and I can't wait to see if I've gotten my Secret Santa gift from the book bloggers holiday swap yet!


  1. My first thought was the amazement that Internet worked so well from Easter Island.
    I'll have to mimic you next time I'm in DC. The kids will love the photo :)

  2. Come back to DC! :) You know, the Easter Island pic would have worked better if you and Kelly didn't have your winter coats on! Guess we didn't think of that at the time, haha.

    How did you like Sultan Sea? I thought it was cool when I toured around there! I think I could live in the desert.

  3. I'm sure you did have a great time with sweet Amy! Being with your family is so much better than Easter Island. Love the picture of the curious Miss Emmy.

  4. I love your cat!! That is such a cool photo..enjoy your travels!

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  6. My goodness, you are always so busy! Love the pic of Emmy!

  7. Can't wait for you to get home - to KANSAS that is!

  8. Emmy looks like a professional huntress.

  9. She looks fascinated by pasta, do cats like pasta?

  10. Emmy won't eat pasta, but Finn will eat anything!

  11. DC? Oh, you made my heart go pitter pat. Such homesickness for there. I absolutely loved living there. Did you get a chance to see my boyfriend there - the hot George Washington statue? (sitting, holding sword, looking all around like a Greek god?). :) I think if he looked that hot, more people might be interested in history. ;)

  12. Sounds like a fun trip!

    Emmy looks like she just emerged from a secret door at the back of your cupboard.

  13. Emmy and Finn are going to get you for being away so much!

  14. A photo in DC today would be very different -- All that snow!

  15. The things she gets into are so funny! For a minute there I was horribly jealous of your Easter Island trip. :)

  16. Oh man I didn't realize you were here! I hope you had a great time exploring the DC sites....there is so much to take in. Next time you're in town (which I'm sure is a long way away now) let me know and we can meet up :)


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