Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday (86) = Picture of Emmy

We're back in Germany and delivered Hans and Silke's (my father and stepmother's dogs) presents to Emmy and Finn.

They didn't tear into the wrapping paper like the dogs did on Christmas day, but they seem interested....

The bouncy toy with a squeaky mouse inside is fun and we are still looking for batteries for the other one.

It's nice to be back (and the kitties sure are happy to have us back too)!


  1. So cute! I got my cats a laser light for Christmas and I think my husband and I have just as much fun watching them as they do playing. :-)

  2. My cat didn't tear open his own package, but he did claw open someone else's. That one happened to be a book, and he doesn't even read!

  3. They are so cute and I'm sure they did miss you!

  4. They are adorable Lenore...wishing my son outgrows his cat allergy and we can get him a cat. Although, he really wants a dog!
    Hope that you had a great visit in the states and you must have brought home a lot of books:)

  5. They are adorable Lenore...wishing my son outgrows his cat allergy and we can get him a cat. Although, he really wants a dog!
    Hope that you had a great visit in the states and you must have brought home a lot of books:)

  6. I bet they were sure glad to have you home safe and sound, just like we are happy you made it home safely. It was fun seeing you guys.
    Love you

  7. I'm sure Emmy & Finn were overjoyed to have you home! It was great having you and Daniel home for Christmas!

  8. Why are your kittehs so darn cute? waaant!

  9. Awww, how cute. Buddy was having a ball ripping apart wrapping paper on Christmas Day.

  10. Your cats are beautiful...SO cute they are opening their gifts.

  11. I bet they are so glad to have you home! They look adorable opening their gifts.


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