Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday (92) = Picture of Emmy, Dystopia Style

Did you hear there's going to be a movie version of Scott Westerfeld's dystopian Uglies series.... starring cats?!

Emmy wants the lead role of Tally Youngblood, so she's practicing her best "I can't wait to be turned pretty" look in the mirror.

PS: Emmy and Finn are in A Novel Menagerie's Beautiful Baby contest! You can vote for them in three categories:

Most beautiful bab(ies)
Most adorable cat(s)
Cutest couple


  1. is already pretty!

    well, for a cat. ;-)

  2. Awww, so precious! Emmy will surely land the role though as caite said, she's already beautiful. :D

    I voted! :D


  3. I heard about the uglies br a movie! I'm loving this new trend of book movies. And Emmy doesn't have to wait to be pretty, she already is. ;)

  4. But she already is the prettiest hairy cat of all.

    Both *my* handsomest hairless boys of all think so. :-)

  5. Well, isn't that the point of the book? That Tally is already pretty in her own way (as we all are) and doesn't need to be prettified?

  6. I voted in two of those three categories...just love these photos!

  7. Okay i voted for Emmy and Finn, they are in first place. They are so cute and lovable. I hope they win.


  8. I would definitely see that movie if Emmy got the lead!

  9. This is hilarious, and I love it. If I tried to do this with Millie, she'd have to be inside some philosophical book about recognizing oneself or something because homegirl is very confused by the whole mirror thing and wants to know WHERE THE OTHER BASSET HOUND IS!

  10. Emmy is the prettiest cat on the internet, and that's saying something (because the internet is made of cats).

  11. Adorable! I put Buddy up to the mirror and he hates it now. When he was little he used to bark at himself. lol.

  12. I think they would have to "un-pretty" Emmy first in order to give her the role, she's just too adorable! :D

  13. wow, a girl after my own heart! are they both himalayans? I've always want to add one to my "collection". Currently my fuzzy kids are a 16 year old odd eyed white persian named Topaz, a 6 year old long haired dilute tortie named Deliah, and a 4 year old medium haired orange tabby whore, named Cheddar Cheese.


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