Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday Fabulous! (22)

Things I am very excited about this week:

1. In an interview on Cynsations, HarperCollins Art Director Martha Rago talks about a variety of interesting topics including Daniel !! and his upcoming book with Audrey Vernick: IS YOUR BUFFALO READY FOR KINDERGARTEN?

2. Brackets have been announced for Nerds Heart YA and I am judging the final round! Can't wait to see what books I'll get to read. There is still time to nominate underrepresented YA from 2009! Deadline March 31st. I think that I am judging the final bodes well for KU's (University of Kansas) chances in the March Madness college basketball tournament. Number 1 seed! Make us proud Jayhawks!

3. Book Blogger Appreciation Week isn't until September, but A LOT of planning goes into it, so My Friend Amy is accepting volunteer applications now.

4. Two bloggie pals of mine just got awesome book deals! Jen K Blom has her middle grade debut POSSUM SUMMER coming out with Holiday House in Fall 2011 and Beth Revis has a very exciting YA sci-fi dystopia called ACROSS THE UNIVERSE coming out with Razorbill in March 2011. Beth is celebrating by offering 2 very cool prize packs - one for writers and one for readers. Check it out! Congrats ladies - I can't wait to read your books!

5. Emmy and Finn may not have won their catagories in A Novel Menagerie's Beautiful Baby contest, but Sheri awarded them a special prize: Best Kitteh Story! They are celebrating by fighting over the perfect kitteh sized box in which Kimberly Derting sent me my THE BODY FINDER street team essentials.

6. I'll be in Bologna next week...attending SCBWI's pre-Bologna conference, meeting Lauren Oliver, checking out the Children's Book Fair, eating a ton of yummy Italian food and gelato, and pitching a few picture books. Wish me luck!

ETA: uh...this week you get 7. There's a new list over at Flashlight Worthy Book Recommendations that I contributed to called Young Adult Books Featuring Women of Another Era. Check it out to see all 11 picks!

What are you excited about this week?


  1. I can't read the interview to read all about Daniel!

  2. i am reading satanas of mario mendoza

  3. I have heard a LOT about Across the Universe and cannot wait to read it! It sounds brilliant and when it comes out as an ARC I will do anything I can to try to read it as soon as humanely possible.

  4. I do hope that you got my email with a little gift...

  5. Very exciting that you're judging the finals :D But a lot of pressure too, I know :P

  6. Good luck in Bologna! When are you coming back to Kansas?

  7. Ohhhh Wow! I really hope you have a fantastic time in Bolonga, and you get to meet Lauren too which is just too cool!! I'm hoping I get to meet her the next time she's in the UK!

    Oh and you know Maggie is in Bologna right?! I'm sure I already told you, so maybe you can get your hands on Linger and if can borrow MINE because I got a copy!!!!

  8. By the way, I got to read an advanced version of "Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten" and I LOVE IT.

  9. Congratulations and good luck with the book pitching!

  10. Thank you for the shout-out! And good luck on the pitching!

  11. You are going to be fab in the finals. Thanks so much for mentioning the contest. Enjoy Bologna.

  12. I'm thrilled you're going to be the NHYA finals judge! Can't wait to see how the tournament progresses. I'm equally excited for word on a new YA dystopian coming our way :)


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