Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tuesday (95) = Picture of Emmy

Emmy says: "Go get your own copy of BEFORE I FALL, Finn. You aren't touching mine!"

Fortunately for Finn, today is Lauren Oliver's release day, so BEFORE I FALL is finally out in the wild.

Read my review. And then go buy a copy (I've already bought 3 copies). It's one of my all time favorites...and Emmy's too, of course.


  1. How cute! Books and cats, doesn't get much better than that. ;-)

  2. Love this pic!
    Can't wait to get the book!!

  3. Aww, your cats are cute! I have one myself and I love him. :)

  4. I'm about a third of the way through after about 2 weeks of on and off reading. I was hoping it would grab me more but maybe I need to be in the right mood.

  5. Love this pic! Before I Fall is amazing. I just bought a copy for my sister for her birthday!

  6. Aww, I love that Emmy and Finn are into books, too! My copy of this book is in the mail, I can't wait to get it!

  7. LOVE this picture and the caption! :P

  8. Squee! I want your cats! If they happen to go missing one night... I promise it wasn't me. :S

  9. Absolutely going on my to-read list!

    I love how they look like they're having a good chat in that photo!

  10. Ohhh Emmy has good taste, and I agree with her, Finn needs to get his own copy

  11. The cats look like they are enjoying the book.


    they are so cute and getting so big.

  12. HaHa - I hate when the pets fight over a book. The book never comes out a head. If they don't share the book, just take it away from both of them until they learn to read together! Have to tough with the pets. (lol)

  13. Let me see...first Bandit is reading a book. Now the cats are reading a book...can you say copy cats....lol

  14. Heehee! Pictures speak 1000 words. Cats rule!


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