Sunday, April 11, 2010

Read-a-thon Book Review: Beware, Princess Elizabeth by Carolyn Meyer

Elizabeth and her sister Mary have never been close, but Elizabeth never imagines that her very life will be threatened by her.

This historical retelling unfolds from Elizabeth's perspective from the time her father, King Henry VIII dies when she is 13 up until the day she becomes queen. It's familiar territory, at least for me, but Meyer manages to imbue the story with urgency and intrigue. The Tudors are endlessly fascinating, and it's always fun to revisit them from a new angle.

BEWARE, PRINCESS ELIZABETH is availbable in paperback.


  1. Congrats on finishing the Read-a-Thon. I reviewed a book also and talked about my first time joining on Sunday Salon: Read-a-thon Wrap-Up

  2. I love these books! I read them in Middle School and was absolutely enthralled!

  3. Glad you enjoyed it! I love Meyer's Young Royals books.

  4. I am fascinated by anything Tudor and think this sounds like a wonderful book. I will have to add it to my wish list. Thanks!

  5. Historical fiction's not really my thing, but this sounds interesting.


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