Saturday, April 10, 2010

Read-a-thon Book Review: The Girl She Used to Be by David Cristofano

As a 6 year old, Melody and her parents witnessed a murder in Little Italy that put them in the Federal Witness Protection Program. Melody has been on the run for 20 years when one day, Jonathan, the son of the criminal her parents testified against catches up with her – and against all odds, they fall in love.

Talk about impossible romance! Melody has never felt safe since that fateful day when her life changed forever, and as someone protected by the government who has to be ready to start all over again at the drop of a hat, she has never been able to form close attachments to anyone. Jonathan wants to do the right thing, but the pressures of being in a mafia family are overwhelming. Melody and Jonathan have an amazing chemistry together though, and you really wish things could somehow work out for them.

Fast paced and with tight writing and plotting, this was a perfect readathon read.

THE GIRL SHE USED TO BE just came out in paperback. Find out more about it at the author’s website.


  1. What a crazy premise but it sounds like it worked!

  2. Read and Read and Read
    Continue till you're tired
    Sleep when you have to

    Haiku #11 (inspired by Dawn @ She Is Too Fond of Books)

  3. I have wanted to read this one for a while now. Keep up the great reading! Go go go!

  4. I couldn't do a review during the Read-a-Thon! This one sounds like a good choice for the next one though.

  5. Okay, this is DEFINITELY going on my wish list! Melody and Jonathan have that whole forbidden love going on. I can't wait to read this! Maybe I'll buy it, since it's in paperback :D

  6. I loved this book... Glad to hear that you enjoyed it as well...

  7. I'm a sucker for forbidden romance what can I do? This must be on my TBR!

  8. I thought that book was great fun and agree it's perfect for a read-a-thon. I hope you're having fun!

  9. I hadn't heard much about this book but it sounds great! Thanks for the review! :)

  10. This sounds like a good read. You've read some interesting books this readathon! Keep up the great reading!

  11. I have a copy and I'm looking forward to reading it. =]

  12. Just from the description I thought it sounded pretty far fetched. Glad it worked though.


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