Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday (103) = Picture of Emmy

I'm glad to see this kitty bed we bought is finally getting some use:

Finn likes it better than Emmy when it's inside, but they both love it when it's outside.

In a related note, Emmy's ears got sunburned so we have to be careful to limit access to the balcony during the hottest parts of the day. The vet said there are no specific cat sunscreens in Germany (probably because we so rarely get sun), and human sunscreens have too many perfumes and chemicals that will irritate the lining of a cat's stomach and make them barf. Who knew?


  1. Oh that is such a cute picture!! Where would we be without pets? I am completely (unhealthily one might say) obsessed with my dog!

  2. Yay...my shot of sunshine for the day! Speaking of sunshine, I have never heard of a cat getting sunburned! I live in Florida, where is is sunny 99% of days, and I have a very sensitive white cat, and I have never seen such a thing. Hmm.

  3. Sunburned ears, who would of thought. When I had siamese they were always inside so I never knew they could get sunburned. Great picture.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. yes my white persian has to be monitored too, they can get it on their nose as well quite easily. You just need to get them little sun hats! hahaha

  6. I love the picture! Poor Emmy - maybe you could make her wear a little hat! LOL

  7. I had no idea cats could sunburn! Good to know. And that is so cute, I love how your cats cuddle so much!

  8. Yay, my dose of Finn and Emmy! And like others, I did not know cats could get sunburned. It was weird a couple of years ago, on a hot day, when I saw my sister's cat panting. I'd always thought of that as a dog thing, but he was definitely panting.

  9. love this cute photo...they look so cuddly! Definitely keep them out of the sun during the peak light!

  10. Ok, can I just say these cats are ADORABLE! I am soooo addicted! :P

  11. Finn has gotten so big! I remember when he used to fit in the palm of your hands.

  12. Sunburned cats? You learn something new every day!

  13. Double occupancy in the cat bed, how awesome! Sorry to hear about Emmy's sunburn though.

  14. Poor Emmy - maybe you could check out some of the sunblocks used for children? Perhaps there's a hypoallergenic/frangrance-free one....

    (my one cat likes lotion in any shape or form - meaning he'll gladly give me a "grooming" once I've put some on - and it seems not to bother him, but I try not to let him)

  15. Who knew that a cat could get a sunburn. Hey that's an invention you could do, sunscreen for a cat.
    Very cute picture and looks like they really like being outdoors.


  16. Greetings, Lenore. I have visited your book blog before, but it has been a while. (I intend to visit more often.)

    What sweet cats! They look absolutely blissful in their bed.

  17. I love how well Emmy & Finn get along.

  18. Lenore ,they look soo cute in that kitty bed..

  19. Well, I don't have any suggestions really, that I have read myself, as I'm like you, romance is not a genre I tend to read. But earlier this week also I decided I needed to shake up my reading and read out of my comfort zone. So I put out a request for great romances on Twitter and the one that came back as a BIG must read is Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase. So I've bought it and will read it soon. As I am also doing this 'experiment' I will be watching your blog for your progress LOL :)

  20. Cute! And Finn has gotten so big! And whoodathunk that about sunscreen and cats?

  21. I think they need a bigger bed. there is feline spillage.

  22. I never knew a cat could get sunburned. Poor Emmy. Hope she's feeling okay...

  23. Poor ears! I hope the sunburn heals soon. My cat hasn't yet made it outside for more than 20 mins (she's currently under supervision). She does like sunning herself on the sofa and the bed.

  24. I've missed the pics of them while I was away! They're so cute! I didn't know that cats could get sunburned though.... There might be something online to show you how to make your own cat sunscreen.

  25. I love it when our cats do that. =]


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