Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday (107) = Picture of Emmy

An early morning face-off as Emmy defends her place in the laundry hamper:


  1. What? They aren't piled on top of each other! Nice to see a little sporting competition between the two of them.

  2. cute...for a couple of cats...;-)

  3. They are so adorable and funny. Cat watching can be very entertaining.

  4. The looks they are giving each other are hilarious! I love looking at pictures of Finn and Emmy. They are beautiful cats!

  5. LOL looking at it first it looked like a suitcase which was even funnier. So glad to see the pictures are still coming even with you over here in NYC :)

  6. Emmy's all "I'm watching you." And Finn seems to be "whatever" and is secretly amused.

  7. Hee, that's so cute and hilarious. I adore how they're staring down each other.

  8. You can see the fire in her eyes, like "you dare enter my laundry basket" makes me giggle. I dont think I need to tell you how cute they are!

  9. I don't know how you keep coming up with these adorable pictures! I didn't have my camera ready tonight when Abby & Muffin were playing in a banana box that has a hole on the top. Muffin was actually inside the box and Abby was boxing at her trying to get her out of the box. Abby thinks everything is hers. She doesn't like to share!

  10. *Eek!* Those cats are so freakin' cute! :)

  11. What a wonderful blog.
    Kelly Bookend Diaries

  12. I love that she's defending her place!


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