Friday, June 25, 2010

Buffalo in the Wild + A Contest for a Signed Copy of IS YOUR BUFFALO READY FOR KINDERGARTEN?

As you discover in the new children's picture book, IS YOUR BUFFALO READY FOR KINDERGARTEN? by Audrey Vernick, illustrated by Daniel Jennewein, the goofy and sweet titular Buffalo is certainly ready for kindergarten. But is he ready to face the world?

Let's see:

His first foray into the wild was to visit his birthplace. Here is Buffalo outside the HarperCollins offices in New York City.

While he was in New York, he made sure to check out The Empire State Building (I think he may have knocked over a hot dog stand and eaten all the hot dogs that rolled his way).

Then he went to Brussels, Belgium and just had to see Europe's most famous child statue Mannikin Pis. He told him, politely, that it's not polite to pee in public in kindergarten.

He also went to Barcelona, Spain to see Gaudi's Sagrada Familia Church. It's been under construction since 1882 and work is still going on. Buffalo thinks if they'd just hire a team of hard working Buffaloes, they'd be done long before the expected completion date of 2026.


And then he jumped back into his book so he could entertain kids all over the world. Here's a little friend of mine. She didn't want to let go of Buffalo even when she was sleeping.

Yep - I think Buffalo's ready to tour the world!

This is where YOU come in! Maybe you want to take a picture of Buffalo enjoying your corner of the globe? You might see the book in your local bookstore or library and snap a photo. Or you could download the Buffalo coloring activity sheet (opens a PDF), make Buffalo look spiffy and then photograph him having an adventure.

Anyone who sends a photo with the Buffalo to lenoreva at hotmail dot com by July 16th will be entered into a drawing for a copy of the book signed by Daniel + a $20 gift certificate to Amazon (US) or Book Despository (International). I'll also post some of my favorite photos here on the blog (with your permission of course) when I annouce the winner. (NOTE: Winner will be chosen in a random drawing).

Thanks for helping us celebrate Buffalo's launch week! Now back to my regular blog programming :)


  1. So cute :) I think he's ready to face the world!

  2. Buffalo is so cute! Vance and my nephew loved Mannikin Pis!

  3. Yan - He is!

    Audrey - Thanks :)

    Kathy - When we were there, Mannikin Pis was mobbed w/fans. People do love him.

  4. Cute pictures! I went to Belgium a couple years ago and Mannikin Pis was the first thing we saw. :) I loved it.

  5. Aw, how adorable. This is very exciting!


  6. I work in a bookstore that specializes in literature for children and young adults, so after reading your Buffalo posts, I checked to see if we carry the book, and indeed we do. Towards the end of summer, we set up a Back to School table, and I'll be sure that your husband's fantastic illustrations are on display.

  7. AH! I love this! I'd really love to participate, but life is way too crazy right now. But I would have SO MUCH FUN with this. *slinks away in sadness*

  8. Man, Buffalo has to be exhausted! Between his recent debut into the literary world and all his world traveling he's got to be tuckered.


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