Wednesday, June 2, 2010

International Book Blogger Mentor Program Featured Bloggers (3)

I'm a bit late with this (thanks BEA!), but the International Book Blogger Mentor program is in its' 4th month! Today I am introducing April's participants.

First up is Kate from Read this Book! For privacy reasons, she does not publicize her location, but rest assured that it is outside the US and Canada and postage to her country is astronomically pricey. Kate chose Maggie Steifvater's LINGER, the highly anticipated sequel to SHIVER, and provided a review after only reading 3/4 of the book. Check out her blog to find out why!

Kate's enthusiam for YA books is infectious and I always love to see a new tweet from her. Follow her too @readingthisbook


My author sponsor for April was Karen Mahoney who sent four books to UK based blogger Jessica of Nayu's Reading Corner. And guess what?! Jessica read and reviewed ALL four already (wow!). Here's what she had to say about THE ETERNAL KISS, an anthology which features one of Karen Mahoney's short stories:

"I now will happily embrace anthologies. They are an opportunity to get to know an author's style (well, several authors) before committing to one of their novels. Thanks to this book, I am now eyeing up several, new-to-me authors." Read the whole review.

Jessica is super friendly and her book blog is a lot of fun to hang out on, so go on over and say hello!


Megan at the Cape Eleuthera school in the Bahamas sends her thanks for all the boxes of books generous bloggers have sent so far! There is still time to donate (until June 15th) and possibly win an amazing BEA swag bag from me (it could include a copy of Cassie Clare's CLOCKWORK ANGEL if you wish). See last month's post for all the details. NOTE: Megan has requested that you include a note for customs listing all books included in your package and assigning them a value of $1 each. Thank you!


  1. Love her review on 3/4 of the book! Way to savor the ending right!

    I can't wait for this release, I know it is going to be good. I'm asked off for the day at work so I can stay home and read it all! I know I won't be able to go back to work until I know what happens. I'm doing that with Mockingjay too...I'm sad I know.

  2. I will be following Kate's and Jessica's blogs.

    The Mentor Program seems like such a wonderful program!

  3. Don't forget to assign me a mentee when you have time!

  4. Hi Lenore! Thanks for featuring me! This Mentor Program is fabulous, thanks for Lenore, I received my Most Anticipated Book of '10!

  5. Thanks for the opportunity Lenore!

    (It seemed logical to read all the books when I got them)


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