Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Your weekly dose of Emmy and Finn (edition 114)

Daniel cut a little window into a wine box for Finn. He likes to hide in there.

And stick his head out a bit.


  1. Finn looks like he's having a great time in the kitty clubhouse, and that picture of his head sticking out is hilarious!

  2. I just love when he sticks his little head out...too cute

  3. Looks like Temple Grandin's version of a mechanical hug, to calm down.


  4. So cute! He looks so pensive in the top photo.

  5. Oh gosh, sticking his head out is so cute!!

  6. Too adorable! I love how he sticks out his head.

  7. Hahahah! That would make a great present, with Finn popping his head out like that, surprise!

  8. This is so cute. One of my cats is obsessed with boxes and insists on sitting in each one even if she doesn't fit!

  9. Hee hee. I bet he thought his head was smaller than it is! That is a hoot. Thanks for my weekly fix.

  10. Cute and practical - the Cat Box.

  11. That is so adorable! Animals have quite the imagination.

  12. the last one scares me because it looks like a bodiless Finn lol

  13. These are great pictures..thanks for sharing!

  14. LOL! What is it about cats and boxes :)

  15. I have looked at this multiple times today and every time I just start cracking up! Silly Finn!

  16. Aww - I'm a sucker for cats and I can't help but squeal for Finn! So terribly cute:D

  17. Looks like he is ready to be shipped somewhere. Isn't it amazing how fascinated cats are about boxes whether they are little ones or big ones, they think that those are just for them. How cute.


  18. Your cats are always adorable, and I love these photos! I've got a photo of my cat in a box with a hole, and he's laying upside down. I plan on posting it in one of my Saturday Snapshot posts soon (just as soon as I get done with my vacation posts - I've been so long-winded with those).

  19. Love this! But I always look forward to my weekly dose of Emmy and Finn - they're adorable!

  20. I love how Finn is sticking his head out! My cats love to play in boxes too.

  21. So cute! It's funny how much fun cats will have with free things, but ignore expensive toys.

  22. So cute! They do adore boxes, don't they? :-)

  23. Oh my gosh this is too cute!!!! I love my kitties but he's a cutie!!

    I want to follow you but my blogger is being ridiculous so I hope you visit my blog, but if you have trouble I will be back to follow yours for sure!

  24. You ought to send that picture in to canihazcheezburger.


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