Wednesday, September 8, 2010

BBAW is coming up...and I am on award shortlists!

You might recall that I registered my blog for Book Blogger Appreciation Week (September 13-17) back in July and put Presenting Lenore up for awards consideration in two categories, Best YA Blog and Best Author Interviews (see which posts I picked here).

Well, I am thrilled to say my blog made the shortlist in both categories - yay!  And alongside such amazing blogs too.  Thank you so much for your support :)

But of course, BBAW is not just about awards. BBAW has their scheldule up already for next week's festivities, so check it out and see how you can get involved. Though I'll be traveling, I am going to try to participate as much as possible!  Hope you will too.


  1. Excellent! I'm so happy for you!

  2. Congratulations Lenore! I hope you win!

  3. Congratulations and good luck with the BBAW Awards! Your blog is GREAT!

  4. Congratulations on making the short list...much deserved!

  5. Congrats, Lenore! My fingers are crossed for you. :)

  6. YAY! you so totaly deserve this! You have some amazing company too!

  7. Many congrats. Well-deserved. Yours is a definite go-to blog :) - Stasia

  8. Congrats, Lenore. You deserve it!

    I'm looking forward to seeing your posts for the week, too. :-)

  9. You are awesome and you totally deserve to be there! I am in Chicago for a couple of days, away from my responsibilities, and have had a little bloggiesta. Got most of my BBAW posts done. I can't wait!

  10. As someone whose writing has won exactly nothing yet, I am thrilled too that you are on the short list in not one but two categories!

  11. Woohoo! Congrats! You totally deserve it!

  12. Congrats Lenore! You totally deserve those! :D

  13. This is fantastic! Congratulations!!

  14. Congrats! And good luck! I can't wait for next week, it's going to be a blast!

  15. Congratulations! Your recognition is well deserved! :)

  16. Congratulations AGAIN! Just saw the news that you won Best YA Blog!

  17. Congratulations! I always get a huge kick out of your author interviews.

  18. And then you WON! Yippee and Congratulations!!

  19. Lenore, Lenore, I've been meaning to come over all week and drop some CONGRATULATIONS up in your business, but because your blog is blocked at work - probs cause they block anything that's awesome - and cause I've been working till midnight all week, I haven't been able to do so.

    BUT NOW I CAN. YAY, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Way to go, playa!

  20. Just saw that you won both awards: congratulations!


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