Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Book Review/Fan Letter: Mostly Good Girls by Leila Sales

So, this is what happened. I met Leila Sales at a friend’s dinner party back in May. She gave me a copy of MOSTLY GOOD GIRLS. I knew it had the potential to be really witty – because Ms Sales is really witty. I went back to my hotel and started reading. I started reading passages aloud to Daniel. Daniel stole the book from me and read it first. He wrote Ms Sales his FIRST EVER fan letter. Then I read it. And I now I owe Ms Sales a fan letter of my own. So here goes:

Dear Leila,

Thanks for writing a book that all of us mostly good girls can relate to. Not everyone is an outcast or a mean girl or a wallflower who falls in love with a vampire/werewolf/fairy/demon. Most of us are more like Violet – someone who makes mistakes sometimes but means well.

I loved the vignette style of the story, and how all these funny scenes at a girl’s prep school and Violet’s wry observations were woven together to form a larger tale of the ups and downs of friendship as well as the overemphasis on achievement in today’s society. Most of all I loved the six paragraphs that make up the chapter “The precious Jewells” which have to be the most hilarious paragraphs I’ve read all year.

Keep writing and I’ll keep reading,


Find out more about the novel, which just came out, at the author's website. (There's a really awesome trailer to be seen there. Trust me!)


  1. lenore, i remember talking about this book with you at BBC, and i was SO JEALOUS that you'd gotten to meet leila. keep in mind i hadn't even STARTED READING the book yet, i could just *tell* that it would be awesome. and IT IS!

    definitely my fave YA out of BEA 2010.

  2. I saw your review the other day (still need to comment) and I was SO JEALOUS that you got to hang out with her after reading the book!

  3. What a nice letter, and there will be no doubt to Ms. Sales that you loved the book! Just like there is no doubt to me that this is one that I need to read. Thanks, Lenore!

  4. Funny, I just wrote about MOSTLY GOOD GIRLS for tomorrow's blog post. A terrific debut, taught and funny. Oh, and a charming post :)

  5. This is the first time I've heard of this book. As a mostly good girl myself, I definitely do need to read it very, very soon.

    Thank you for this review!

  6. I'm almost finished reading MGG and omg I will probably have to write a fan letter too. This book is HILARIOUS I can't stop laughing and at random times during the day now I think...I want to be thin, because that means I win! Seriously, this book is soooo quotable. I haven't laughed this hard from a YA novel in ages.

  7. Hmmm, you've definitely intrigued me! I will definitely be looking into this!

  8. These six paragraphs you mention have me curious... :)

  9. I want it! I love the cover, and I'm looking forward to see how I can relate with the good girl in this book. =)

  10. This book is hilarious! When I was reading it I was always reading aloud the funny parts to my sister and now she's going to read it too. There needs to be a sequel!

  11. This book is hilarious! When I was reading it I was always reading aloud the funny parts to my sister and now she's going to read it too. There needs to be a sequel!

  12. I love your clever review! The book sounds wonderful!

  13. i am so in the mood for some good YA so this review and rec is perfectly timed! i'm off to check out the author's page. :)

  14. Hmmm, now I'm going to have to add another one to my pile!

  15. I just bought the book because of your review! Can't wait to start reading!


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