Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Return of Cat Tuesday (3)

We had quite a bit of excitement on Halloween morning.  Emmy somehow managed to bite and squeeze her way through the cat netting on our 4th floor balcony and was hanging out on the ledge, about to jump after a bird to her (possible) demise.  We were able to get to her in time, but now we need to reinforce the netting before she is allowed to hang out on the balcony again.  This has caused a problem because she LOVES hanging out there and doesn't understand why she can't.

Just look at how happy she is:

That was taken before her great escape.

Next week: We introduce you to cat #3 - coming home tomorrow!


  1. Oh my gosh!!!! I'm so glad you got to her in time!

  2. Aagh!!!! I would have freaked out! I am so glad you were able to get her!!!!!

  3. Oh gosh, I'm so glad Emmy's safe! And I can't wait to be introduced to cat #3 next week. :)

  4. Awwww poor Emmy! Glad she's okay! Her and Kaia look like they are getting along really well. Can't wait to meet kitty #3! :D


  5. Oh no! It sounds like Emmy wants to be an adventurer, even though it's probably really dangerous for her to do that! So glad you came along and rescued her!

  6. You must have been freaked out! Glad you were able to rescue her in time. My Thelma once fell off a second-story balcony, which totally freaked me out, but she was fine. Can't wait to see pics of the latest addition to your family!

  7. Oh wow! Close call! Cats are so silly sometimes. Glad to hear that they are safe.

  8. Woah, that Emmy is a daredevil!

    Very excited about the return of the kitties.

  9. Cat #3 - how exciting! I'm glad Emmy's okay. I can't wait to see photos of the kitties all together.

  10. Awww she looks so content. I'm glad yousaved her though!

  11. Jeez, Emmy, it's good to have an adventurous side, but you need to be careful!

    I'm excited about cat #3. Can't wait to see him/her.

  12. I wish I had a cat... But yours are adorable!

  13. Oh no! I'm so glad that you got to Emmy in time! We wouldn't have wanted to find out the hard way if she would have really landed on her feet.

    So happy to see the two girls bonding!

  14. Oh no, how scary! I can't wait to see cat number 3!

  15. Curiosity didn't kill the cat!
    Looks like a deliciously sunny spot.

  16. You must be some sort of cat guru - we got our second cat over a year ago and our two boys still refuse to sit within five feet of each other. Enjoy cat #3!

  17. She's so naughty!! Glad you caught her in time!!! Kitty #3?? Yay!!!
    I've got 5 that I will ship to you!

  18. They're too cute! I can't wait to see the new kitty! And goodness on the outdoor netting! I'd still be too scared even with the netting!

  19. I would have totally freaked out! My cat did that to me on our 14th floor balcony - I about had a coronary. Can't wait to see pics of kitty #3 :)

  20. wow, so glad you saved Emmy! And I bet she is very upset she can't go out on the balcony! Can't wait to be baby #3!

  21. wow, so glad you saved Emmy! And I bet she is very upset she can't go out on the balcony! Can't wait to be baby #3!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. That was such a scary story .... Adventuresome Emmy.

  24. GAH. I had a dog who tried to jump out of a window once. SCARY. Wow, I'm so glad you got to her in time!!!!

  25. How scary! I'm glad you were there to rescue her! Can't wait to see kitty #3!!

  26. I am so glad you were able to rescue Emmy. How awful that would have been for you guys. Just hope Emmy can get along with your new kitten. Sounds like your family will be complete again. Enjoy the cats, they are great company. Not sure if I could have survived this last year if I didn't have my girls.


  27. Egads! Doesn't Emmy know she's not yet learned how to fly? Poor thing, I'm sure that you just about had a heart attack. I'm glad she's ok.


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