Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Return of Cat Tuesday (4)

Last Wednesday, we picked up kitteh #3. His name is Lu and he's a creme-point sacred birman.  Here he is in the car on the way home.

It didn't take him long to adjust.

Ooh let's get a close-up!

He was fast friends with Kaia.  I suspect they still remember each other from the breeder. Lu is 3 weeks younger than Kaia, but he's already just a bit bigger. They have the same father, different mothers.

It took awhile, but last night, Emmy finally let him snuggle up to her.

Not a kitty pile yet, but close!


  1. Gah, they have the life don't they? Snuggles and sleepies? **sigh**

  2. Is that drool I saw coming out of his mouth in the closeup? Haha! I am always amazed at the snuggling going on with your kittehs. Mine won't get near each other.

  3. I love that picture of Lu passed out in his bed - I love it when they do that :) I'm glad they seem to be getting along and they are super cute!

  4. I'll say he adjusted quickly! He's adorable!!

  5. Awww he's totally adorable! Look at those eyes!

  6. Oh, I love Lu! I love that second picture as well. Just hanging out with his belly flopped all over. He is adorable, and I am so looking forward to seeing more of him on Cat Tuesdays!

  7. Lu is beautiful! Glad to see Emmy is warming up to him already!

  8. Typical male, they can sleep anywhere! Adorable pictures!!

  9. The thing about your cats is they just look so snuggly and fluffy and adorable!

  10. Those are definitely some spoiled kitties. :) Love it. They're beautiful and snuggley looking too!

  11. Awww, what a handsome guy! And male cats are hysterical when it comes to sleeping just sprawled all over. Glad to know Emmy is adjusting well (she's probably glad she has other kittehs to talk to instead of just the hoomins :) ) Did you guys get the cat netting fixed so they can go out on the balcony?

  12. What great pics of Lu. So glad to see him settling in so easily. Also glad to hear that Emmy is tolerating him as well.

  13. I wish I had a kitty pile. I have my one dear little friend who is a quirky little sweetheart but not pile-able.

  14. Ahhh, I just love your kitties. They're all so snuggly with one another. I love it! I cannot wait to watch Kaia and Lu grow and watch Emmy scowl and yawn ;)

  15. OMG!!! Too cute and so glad they are getting along

  16. Aaaahahaha cute AND hilarious!

  17. i want them all. i never thought i would have cat nvy but i have it SO badly.

  18. Aw, he's absolutely adorable! And they look so cute all together. :)

  19. OMG! Lu is just soooo precious! Beautiful coloring and I'm glad to see Kaia and Emmy are taking to him. :D


  20. no but seriously, do you drug these cats and then scatter them in your laps?? or do you just roll around in catnip first??! Because I have four cats and have never had a kitty pile up like that before!! hahahahahah
    He's a cutie pie, that is one handsome bunch of furry babies you have lenore. Congrats!

  21. What cutie pies, shouldn't take much longer and they will all be buds driving you crazy. Such adorable kitties. Daniel will have his hands full when you come here for Thanksgiving. See you soon.


  22. Rhi - It's funny isn't it? These kittehs are total lap kittehs and they love their people. None of them has any interest in catnip, strangely enough.

  23. So glad to see that Emmy is coming around! They are all absolutely adorable. Lu is my current favorite, because whatever the name of his breed, he looks a lot like my youngest kitty, who is also quite beautiful.

  24. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pics! Especially the one of Lu all sprawled out! Glad to hear that Emmy is adjusting, and I'm guessing that soon we'll see a picture of a real kitteh pile! Probably on Daniel's lap! HA!

  25. Oh, how cute are they! And they look perfect as a blanky, too! <3

  26. I've always been a dog person because I thought cats were antisocial and aloof, even with each other. CLEARLY this is not the case, at least with your pack! Too cute!

  27. If riencarnation is real, I want to come back as a house cat!

  28. The cuteness of these photos kills me. ;)

  29. That's like a pile of kitty awesome right there. All your babies are just gorgeous!

  30. How cute!! I love the picture of Lu in the close-up!

  31. They are all adorable!!! Thanks for sharing.

  32. Aw, they're so cute! My dream is to someday have cats that actually like each other. :)

  33. I love your kitten photos, Lenore! He is a stunner, isn't he? Look at those eyes! Wow!

  34. OMG the CUTENESS!!! It's overwhelming!!!


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