Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Return of Cat Tuesday (7)

Since I am in the US right now, I am missing my kittehs, but Daniel sent this amazing shot for us all to enjoy.


  1. I lurve Cat Tuesday. Look at those bundled minis needing squeezin'. I'd miss them like mad too.

  2. We're on your balcony, snuggled under the cover, and do what we do best - take a nap.

  3. Aw, a snuggly little pile of kitties!

  4. AHHH CUTE KITTEH EARS! And the posterior of a kitteh pile.
    I love it! :) Sorry you're missing them, though. I was away from my cats for 4 days and my heart ached bigtime.

  5. Love the little snugglers! Perhaps those blankets they are lying in are straight from the dryer? My kitty's can't leave blankets out from the dryer alone.

  6. So cute! Hope you're having fun on this side of the pond!

  7. Three little heads, dreaming of their mommy!

  8. Awe Cute!!

    Sucks, missing kitties. :( But when you get home you can snuggle WITH them!

  9. Just soooo precious! Gosh I love these posts! :D


  10. Argh! Too cute! I love these kittehs!

  11. Looks like cats were outside, but covered in a blanket. Looks like they were enjoying the blanket. Very cute. Very cold here today. It was good seeing you and we will miss you at Christmas. Give the cats a squeeze from me.


  12. Oh my, how sweet. Sure looks like Emmy took to the kitties really good.

  13. My first thought was that they look like they are riding in a little ship.

  14. What a cute picture!!! I am thrilled that they love each other...wish my Brucie would embrace the new puppy like that!! He is still very jealous!

  15. Love it! You said Daniel had some good shots of the kittehs, and you were right!

  16. Cat Tuesday? My dog is boycotting.

  17. Aw! They're so adorable! I love the different colored ears!

  18. Okay, came back to this post twice just because those cats are so blasted cute! - Stasia


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