Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Return of Cat Tuesday (11)

One of the bulky items I brought back in my suitcase this month from the US was this cat cube bed.  Emmy loves it (but only turned on its side):

And bonus picture of Kaia and Lu:


  1. The cube bed is so cute, and Emmy looks like she's so happy with it!

  2. Those are some happy, spoiled little kittehs.

  3. Love the kitty bed! I also love the picture of the two new babies snuggling! I love me some Cat Tuesdays!

  4. Those kittehs have the life! Always with the happy sleepytime faces.

  5. Cozy kitties. They just ooze content. Love it!

  6. Well isn't Emmy just little Miss. Fickle. lol. They are all just sooo cute! :D


  7. that cube bed looks so cozy--wish they made them for people!

    your kitties are cute, too!

  8. Wow..you really know how to pack!! Your kitties are adorable.

  9. What an interesting cat bed, if only mine would actually sleep in something like that....

  10. OMG Kaia and Lu look almost EXACTLY like my cats Farley and Pearl!!! It's crazy!

    By the way, I'm going to start posting more pics of my cats- check my blog today for deets (it's toward the end of the post)!!


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