Friday, January 7, 2011

2010 in Review: Books and Blog Stats!

Ok, I'm a bit late, but here are the stats I kept track of this year!


Total books read: 161 (not including picture books).  What? You saw I only reviewed 160 books on this post here?  Yep, that's because 1 book I finished was so royally bad, I thought no good could come from me reviewing it.

Moving on...

First I will break down my reading by intended age-group (for marketing purposes):

YA: 105 (22 more than last year)
Adult: 40 (1 less than last year)
Middle grade: 15 (5 more than last year)

Secondly by genre: (note - a few books were very hard to classify, so I placed them where my gut feeling told me too!)

Contemporary/realistic/literary fiction: 49 (10 more than last year)
Paranormal/urban fantasy: 26 (7 more than last year)
Sci-fi/dystopia/horror: 47 (21 more than last year)
Chick lit/romance: 2 (12 less than last year)
Historical fiction: 7 (5 less than last year)
Traditional fantasy: 6 (5 less than last year)
Thriller: 14 (4 more than last year)
Non-fiction: 8 (1 less than last year)
Classics: 2 (same as last year)

Thirdly by gender of author:

116 by women
41 by men
3 by both
1 by unknown

And then by how I aquired the book:

Sent for review/book tour: 72 (ten less than last year)
Book fair: 36 (18 more than last year)
Bought/own: 28 (16 more than last year)
Amazon Vine/LT ER or other ARC program: 12 (2 more than last year)
Borrowed/library: 9 (3 more than last year)
Won in contest/gift (or trade) from blogger: 4 (less than last year)

Authors read more than once: 10
Adriana Trigiani 4
Meg Cabot 4 (including short story)
Margaret Peterson Haddix 3
Courtney Summers 2
Alexander Gorden Smith 2
Patrick Ness 2
Catherine Fisher 2
Rachel Vincent 2
Lauren Mechling 2
Laura Brodie 2


Number of posts: 332 (less than last year)
Most popular contest: Mockingjay iPod Touch with 2500+ entries and 6000+ page views
Most commented book review (excluding contests): Linger by Maggie Stiefvater 39 comments
Most commented non-review post: Book Bloggers Behaving Badly: Are You on an Author's "Hate List"? 155 comments

Months with over 9,000 unique visitors: April, Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov. 
Highest visitor month: August with 14,000

And there you have it!


  1. My, what great stats you have! Good work.

  2. how interesting! i may have to do something similar just for myself. i always wonder if there is a publisher that i read more than others as well.

    thanks for sharing!

  3. I love this list! I still need to write mine up...and I may borrow some of the things you used here. :-)

  4. Just discovered your blog, great stats btw. Thanks for your comment on my blog about the German, wasn't entirely sure if that was right. Going to take a look around now.

  5. Wow very cool -- I didn't keep good stats last year. Once I started Audiobook Jukebox, tasks on my blog fell by the wayside. I read only 118 books, but I read for work and that would increase my numbers by quite a bit if I added manuscripts.

  6. I love these sorts of posts. You've also got me wondering which book was too terrible to review.

  7. All I can say is WOW. Great job!

  8. I am really impressed that the books you bought comprise such a small portion of your reading. My stats are opposite. I have a serious buying problem.

  9. Awesome stats. I did the same thing for my blog, but yours are way more impressive (:

  10. i love to read what other bloggers managed to read and review during the year. i also liked the links to some posts--i was really surprised by the blogger/author issue. i don't think i'm guilty of any of the things you mentioned and it's a useful guide for others. of course, it's probably like a typical parent-teacher conference: the parents i want to speak to don't show up, and the ones whose children are honor roll are there with bells on. the bloggers who need to see this, probably wont! :) here's to hoping.

  11. Great stats, thanks for sharing these! I hope one of these books you read was Pink Noise: A Posthuman Tale by Leonid Korogodski. By far one of the best sci-fi's I've read in a long time.

  12. You are a much better statitician than I am. Not to mention a better reviewer! UGH, I' have so many books to review that I'm afriad to say it out loud. LOL

  13. great blog If you are the type to update your blog regulary, then you have gained one daily reader in me today. keep up the super work.


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