Monday, January 17, 2011

Book Review: Meridian by Amber Kizer

Meridian’s 16th birthday doesn’t go as planned. Instead of celebrating with her family, she’s forced to flee them and set off for her great aunt’s home across the country. All because she’s a special kind of human-angel hybrid that’s being hunted to extinction.

There’s a very entertaining story in these pages, but it is sometimes muddled by uneven pacing, a few choppy transitions and a come-out-of-nowhere romance. I really enjoyed the mythology Author Kizer set up here. We learn little by little about the Fenestra (windows that dying souls use to access the afterlife) and their opponents the Aternochti. Meridian’s great aunt Merry is a spunky character who helps Meridian realize her potential and shares her history as well as the history of the Fenestra that came before.

Mr “big bad” is a reverend with movie-star looks who is taking over Merry’s town, blaming tragedies on Merry and taking credit for successes. The scenes where Merry and Meridian go to a pizza parlor and attend a church service are chilling, but overall, he doesn’t come off as that smart.

The book starts off in a whirlwind – we barely get time to meet Meridian’s family before she’s forced on the run. Then we a get a mix of “danger” scenes, at times frustratingly vague conversations, and a brooding “protector” love interest called Tens who is rude to Meridian nearly the whole book.

Despite not loving this 100%, I am still looking forward to the sequel, WILDCAT FIREFLIES that comes out this summer. Find out more about the novel at the author’s website.


  1. I really appreciate your honest take on this. I've had it on my shelf forever, but I just keep putting it off. Uneven pacing usually kills a book for me, but I'm glad to hear there's a lot of potential for the plot within it. Great review :)

  2. This sounds interesting. I'm glad you pointed out some things about it though because they are things that irk me as well (uneven pacing). I can forgive these things in some cases and it sounds like there is a lot of good stuff going on in the book. Might have to check this out!

  3. Hmmm... new titles to me. I like the covers and that it is the same girl in both.

    This does sounds interesting but I would probably pass due to the unevenness and the choppiness you mention and of course the creepy shadow of Mt. TBR behind threatening my very existence.

  4. It sounds like it was a tad uneven, and the fact that you mention that the pacing was off makes me think that I might not really enjoy this one. I do admire the fact that you are keeping an open mind enough to read the second installment though!

  5. This is the first time I heard about this title; it sounds interesting despite the uneven pacing.

  6. I don't think this is a series that I want to read but I enjoyed reading your well written review!!

  7. I liked this book more than you did, although I agree with all of your points. Especially the teen romance, which was kind of blah. However, I really liked how the author integrated Big Issues like death into the book and still made it a fun, entertaining read. I'm also really looking forward to the next installment!

  8. You're right! The themes were really well done, which is why the novel resonated with me despite some construction flaws. And I did actually like it quite a lot!

  9. I liked this one enough to finish it, but I'm not sure I enjoyed it enough to read the sequel. I agree with you about the mythology. It was interesting learning about the fenestra etc. The plot was pretty choppy for me, though, and I thought the characters were a little too caricature for my tastes. Hopefully those things will be improved in the sequel.

  10. I agree with you on this one...the actual concept was really, really good and interesting, but the writing was just so bad, I was about ready to scream. I remember finishing it a couple of years ago thinking I wouldn't be able to stand reading the sequel, but now that so much time has passed, I just might be persuaded...

  11. I think I'm going to take a pass on this one. Thanks for the review!


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