Thursday, January 20, 2011

Contest to support Author L.K. Madigan

As some of may have already heard, YA Author L.K. Madigan (FLASH BURNOUT, THE MERMAID'S MIRROR) shared some hard news on her blog last week.  Briana of The Book Pixie has put together a contest to show her support featuring a bunch of donated prizes - including a hardcover copy of DELIRIUM by Lauren Oliver (donated by me).  Check out the rules and prizes at Briana's blog.

I just ordered 2 copies of THE MERMAID'S MIRROR today.


  1. Thank you so much for posting about this on your blog, Lenore, and thanks again for donating. :D


  2. I just can't even. Like I don't even know how she put that into words. :( going to briana's blog now.


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