Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Book Review and Giveaway: Memento Nora by Angie Smibert

Nora's glossy existence is challenged when she witnesses a car bombing and subsequently meets Micah at a TFC (forgetting clinic). Together with Micah and his friend Winter, Nora puts together graphic novel issues to remind people that some things are worth remembering.

I really liked this one - the conspiracy theory plot works well even for such a short novel and the three points of view are distinct enough I always knew who was narrating. I loved the details interwoven throughout. And I think the theme (incapsulated in what the play on words the title references, ie Memento Mori = Remember you will die) of "remembering Nora" (the person who self-actualized through the events of the novel) is brill.  Though it ultimately didn't succeed in utterly taking my breath away, it is solid effort from a debut author and definitely well worth reading!

MEMENTO NORA comes out on April 1, 2011. Want to read it earlier? I have 1 copy to give away today to one lucky reader anywhere in the world! Just fill out this google form by Feb 28th, 2011 at 11:59 pm CST for your chance to win.

Read interview with the author
See index of all dystopian reviews at Presenting Lenore


  1. Hi! On my blog, I'm hosting a contest where you can win some YA books! You can check it out here-- http://www.thebookheist.com/p/contests.html

  2. Such a pretty cover! Not sure if this will interest me or not, but I might check it out if I run across it at the library!

    Thanks for the review :)

  3. This is one I'm really looking forward to - the concept is just so INTERESTING! Thanks for offering a copy up. *grin*

  4. I'm reading this right now for a book tour...I love that it's quick and easy. I haven't read enough to say much more than that!

  5. You know, I had heard the words Memento Mori all over the place, but was never quite sure what it meant before, so thanks for clearing this up for me, Lenore. I think one of the interesting things about this book is the fact that the characters are working through things by creating graphic novels. Sounds like an interesting book!

  6. The title's paly on words was what caught my eye too! And conspiracy theories? That sounds like something I would live. I'm still looking forward to reading it.

  7. This sounds pretty cool. Thanks for the review and giveaway!

  8. I like Nora's haircut on the cover there.

  9. Thanks for the awesome giveaway, I'm really looking forward to reading this!


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