Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Future of My Blog + Ask Me Anything!

Over the next few months, I will have less time for my blog because I am writing and revising LEVEL TWO! 

I will still be posting:

- Cat Tuesday
- (hopefully) 1 book review a week (at the very least)
- writing or LEVEL TWO updates (when I have news)

I'm also probably going to have to move Dystopian August to September, but let's see.

Perhaps you have some questions you'd like me to answer?  If so, fill out this form (or comment on this post) and your question could be the subject of a future post!


  1. That's the best reason for a slow down I can think of!

  2. I've always been fascinated by other writers' process, and just wonder if you'd talk about the process of writing LEVEL TWO. :)

  3. I second Emy Shin's question!


  4. I love how smart you are, taking this time for you. Wishing you godspeed with this novel, Lenore.

  5. We'll all be sad to see less of you on the web but it couldn't be for a better cause! Expect mutiny if you cut cat tuesdays though.

  6. Just keep the cats comin baby, and revise that book and get her published!

  7. Good luck with your editing! I can't wait to read the final product.

  8. This blog is fabulous. Keep up the good work and do what you have to.

  9. A blog tour schedule to the US? ;)

    But actually, I am really interested in your dual simultaneous contracts. Can you tell us anything and everything about that? (and congratulations again!)


I would love it if you leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on my post. Due to some overwhelming spamming of late, I have enabled comment moderation on posts older than 3 days, but I will do my best to quickly publish your comment on these older posts. Your comments will continue to appear immediately on my current posts.